Você já agradeceu a Deus hoje? Expressar gratidão ao Pai é um ato de fé, amor e respeito. O ato de ser grato é um dos temas centrais da Bíblia, pois expressar agradecimento a Deus é essencial para fortalecer a nossa fé.
Neste artigo, trazemos 10 versículos para ajudá-lo a expressar sua gratidão a Deus.
1 BOOK THE FIFTH O give thanks to YahwehFor he is good, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
17 And whatsoever ye may be doing, in word, or in work, all things,
4 Enter ye his gates, with thanksgiving, his courts, with praise, Give ye thanks to him, bless ye his Name;
20 Giving thanks, always, for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto your God and Father;
1 Give ye thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
34 Give ye thanks unto Yahweh, For he is good, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
28 Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitudewhereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe;
A gratidão a Deus é uma prática que fortalece nossa fé e nos ajuda a reconhecer as bênçãos diárias. Medite nesses versículos e expresse seu agradecimento a Deus constantemente. Compartilhe este artigo para inspirar mais pessoas a serem gratas ao Senhor.
Deus abençoe!
6 For nothing, be anxious, but, in everything, by your prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let, your petitions, be made known unto God;
1 I will praise Yahweh with all my heart, I will recount all thy wonderful doings:
1 Give ye thanks to YahwehFor he is good, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.