10 versículos inspiradores para compartilhar no Dia da Mulher e homenageá-las
O Dia Internacional da Mulher é uma data especial para reconhecer o valor, a força e a sabedoria das mulheres. A Bíblia é repleta de versículos que exaltam o papel feminino e destacam sua importância na sociedade e na fé.
Separamos 10 versículos para inspirar e homenagear as mulheres neste dia tão significativo.
1. Provérbios 31:25
25 Strength and dignity, are her clothing, and she laugheth at the time to come:
2. Provérbios 31:30
30 Deceitful is loveliness and vain is beauty, The woman that revereth Yahweh, she, shall be praised:
3. Juízes 4:4
4 And, Deborah, a woman who was a prophetess, wife of Lapidoth, she, was judging Israel, at that time:
4. Salmos 46:5
5 God, is in the midst of her, she shall not be shaken, God will help her, by the turnings of the morning.
5. Gênesis 1:27
27 And God created the man in his own image, In the image of God, created he him,Male and female, created he, them.
6. Lucas 1:45
45 And, happy, is she who hath believed, that there shall be a perfecting of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord!
7. 1 Pedro 3:3-4
3 Whose adorning, let it benot the outward, of plaiting the hair and wearing golden ornaments, or putting on of apparel,
4 But the hidden character, of the heart,in the incorruptible of the quiet, and meek, spirit, which is, in presence of God, of great price.
8. Provérbios 14:1
1 Every, wise woman, buildeth up her house, but, a foolish one, with her own hands, would break it down.
9. Cantares de Salomão 4:7
7 Thou art, all over, beautiful, my fair one, and, blemish, is there none in thee.
10. Êxodo 15:20
20 Then took Miriam the prophetess, sister of Aaron the timbrel in her hand,and all the women came forth after her with timbrels and dances,
Estes versículos mostram a importância e o papel especial que Deus deu às mulheres. Compartilhe com aquelas que fazem diferença na sua vida e abençoe-as com essas palavras de fé e encorajamento.
Se esse conteúdo te ajudou, compartilhe a Palavra de Deus com seus amigos e familiares.