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Os ensinamentos de Jesus sobre generosidade e desapego material
Jesus nos ensinou que a verdadeira riqueza está em investir no Reino de Deus, não nos bens materiais. Obviamente, não estamos sendo literais, é claro que queremos que você tenha suas coisas e conquistas, mas saiba que isso é matéria, é mundando.
A riqueza que realmente engrandece sua alma, é àquela do Reino dos Céus, a riqueza da fé, do Amor de nosso Deus. Então tome cuidado com excessos, consumismo, materialismo… nada disso será bom para você, muito menos agradará a Deus.
Algumas sugestões de leitura sobre o assunto:
Em Lucas 12:15-21, Jesus alerta contra a ganância, destacando que a vida não consiste na abundância de bens.
15 He said and to them: See you and beware you of the covetousness; because not in the to abound any one the life of him is out of the possessions of him.
16 He spoke and a parable to them, saying: A man certain rich yielded plentifully the farm.
17 And he reasoned in himself, saying: What shall i do? because not I have where I will gather the fruits of me.
18 And he said: This will do; I will pull down of me the barns, and greater I will build; and I will collect there all the products of me, and the fruits of me;
19 and I will say to the soul of me: Soul, thou hast many good things being laid up for years many; rest thou, eat, drink, be glad.
20 Said but to him the God: O unwise, this the night the life of thee they require from thee; what and thou hast prepared, for whom shall be?
21 Thus he laying up treasure for himself, and not for God being rich.
Atos 20:35 reforça que a generosidade é um ato de fé e obediência.
35 All these I pointed out to you, that so laboring it is necessary to aid those being weak, to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said: Blessed it is more to give than to receive.
Marcos 10:21,22 nos ensina que seguir a Cristo exige abrir mão do apego material.
21 He but Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: One to thee lacks; go, whatever thou hast sell, and give to the poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me, take up the cross.
22 He but looking sad at the word, went away sorrowing; he was for having possessions many.
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