1 E, partindo dali, chegou à sua pátria, e os seus discípulos o seguiram.
2 E, chegando o sábado, começou a ensinar na sinagoga; e muitos, ouvindo-o, se admiravam, dizendo: De onde lhe vêm estas coisas? E que sabedoria é esta que lhe foi dada? E como se fazem tais maravilhas por suas mãos?
3 Não é este o carpinteiro, filho de Maria, e irmão de Tiago, e de José, e de Judas e de Simão? E não estão aqui conosco suas irmãs? E escandalizavam-se nele.
4 E Jesus lhes dizia: Não há profeta sem honra senão na sua pátria, entre os seus parentes, e na sua casa.
5 E não podia fazer ali nenhuma obra maravilhosa; somente curou alguns poucos enfermos, impondo-lhes as mãos.
6 E estava admirado da incredulidade deles. E percorreu as aldeias vizinhas, ensinando.
7 Chamou a si os doze, e começou a enviá-los a dois e dois, e deu-lhes poder sobre os espíritos imundos;
8 E ordenou-lhes que nada tomassem para o caminho, senão somente um cajado; nem alforje, nem pão, nem dinheiro no cinto;
9 Mas que calçassem sandálias, e que não vestissem duas túnicas.
10 E dizia-lhes: Na casa em que entrardes, ficai nela até partirdes dali.
11 E tantos quantos vos não receberem, nem vos ouvirem, saindo dali, sacudi o pó que estiver debaixo dos vossos pés, em testemunho contra eles. Em verdade vos digo que haverá mais tolerância no dia de juízo para Sodoma e Gomorra, do que para aquela cidade.
12 E, saindo eles, pregavam que se arrependessem.
13 E expulsavam muitos demônios, e ungiam muitos enfermos com óleo, e os curavam.
14 E ouviu isto o rei Herodes (porque o seu nome se tornara notório), e disse: João, o que batizava, ressuscitou dentre os mortos, e por isso estas maravilhas operam nele.
15 Outros diziam: É Elias. E diziam outros: É um profeta, ou como um dos profetas.
16 Herodes, porém, ouvindo isto, disse: Este é João, ao qual eu degolei; ressuscitou dentre os mortos.
17 Porquanto o mesmo Herodes mandara prender a João, e encerrá-lo amarrado no cárcere, por causa de Herodias, mulher de Filipe, seu irmão, porquanto tinha casado com ela.
18 Pois João dizia a Herodes: Não te é lícito possuir a mulher de teu irmão.
19 E Herodias o espiava, e queria matá-lo, mas não podia.
20 Porque Herodes temia a João, sabendo que era homem justo e santo; e guardava-o com segurança, e fazia muitas coisas, atendendo-o, e de boa mente o ouvia.
21 E, chegando uma ocasião favorável em que Herodes, no dia dos seus anos, dava uma ceia aos grandes, e tribunos, e príncipes da Galileia,
22 Entrou a filha da mesma Herodias, e dançou, e agradou a Herodes e aos que estavam com ele à mesa. Disse então o rei à menina: Pede-me o que quiseres, e eu to darei.
23 E jurou-lhe, dizendo: Tudo o que me pedires te darei, até metade do meu reino.
24 E, saindo ela, perguntou a sua mãe: Que pedirei? E ela disse: A cabeça de João o Batista.
25 E, entrando logo, apressadamente, pediu ao rei, dizendo: Quero que imediatamente me dês num prato a cabeça de João o Batista.
26 E o rei entristeceu-se muito; todavia, por causa do juramento e dos que estavam com ele à mesa, não lha quis negar.
27 E, enviando logo o rei o executor, mandou que lhe trouxessem ali a sua cabeça. E ele foi, e degolou-o na prisão;
28 E trouxe a sua cabeça num prato, e deu-a à menina, e a menina a deu a sua mãe.
29 E os seus discípulos, tendo ouvido isto, foram, tomaram o seu corpo, e o puseram num sepulcro.
30 E os apóstolos ajuntaram-se a Jesus, e contaram-lhe tudo, tanto o que tinham feito como o que tinham ensinado.
31 E ele disse-lhes: Vinde vós, aqui à parte, a um lugar deserto, e repousai um pouco. Porque havia muitos que iam e vinham, e não tinham tempo para comer.
32 E foram sós num barco, em particular, para um lugar deserto.
33 E a multidão viu-os partir, e muitos o conheceram; e correram para lá, a pé, de todas as cidades, e ali chegaram primeiro do que eles, e aproximavam-se dele.
34 E Jesus, saindo, viu uma grande multidão, e teve compaixão deles, porque eram como ovelhas que não têm pastor; e começou a ensinar-lhes muitas coisas.
35 E, como o dia fosse já muito adiantado, os seus discípulos se aproximaram dele, e lhe disseram: O lugar é deserto, e o dia está já muito adiantado.
36 Despede-os, para que vão aos lugares e aldeias circunvizinhas, e comprem pão para si; porque não têm que comer.
37 Ele, porém, respondendo, lhes disse: Dai-lhes vós de comer. E eles disseram-lhe: Iremos nós, e compraremos duzentos dinheiros de pão para lhes darmos de comer?
38 E ele disse-lhes: Quantos pães tendes? Ide ver. E, sabendo-o eles, disseram: Cinco pães e dois peixes.
39 E ordenou-lhes que fizessem assentar a todos, em ranchos, sobre a erva verde.
40 E assentaram-se repartidos de cem em cem, e de cinquenta em cinquenta.
41 E, tomando ele os cinco pães e os dois peixes, levantou os olhos ao céu, abençoou e partiu os pães, e deu-os aos seus discípulos para que os pusessem diante deles. E repartiu os dois peixes por todos.
42 E todos comeram, e ficaram fartos;
43 E levantaram doze cestos cheios de pedaços de pão e de peixe.
44 E os que comeram os pães eram quase cinco mil homens.
45 E logo obrigou os seus discípulos a subir para o barco, e passar adiante, para o outro lado, a Betsaida, enquanto ele despedia a multidão.
46 E, tendo-os despedido, foi ao monte a orar.
47 E, sobrevindo a tarde, estava o barco no meio do mar e ele, sozinho, em terra.
48 E vendo que se fatigavam a remar, porque o vento lhes era contrário, perto da quarta vigília da noite aproximou-se deles, andando sobre o mar, e queria passar-lhes adiante.
49 Mas, quando eles o viram andar sobre o mar, cuidaram que era um fantasma, e deram grandes gritos.
50 Porque todos o viam, e perturbaram-se; mas logo falou com eles, e disse-lhes: Tende bom ânimo; sou eu, não temais.
51 E subiu para o barco, para estar com eles, e o vento se aquietou; e entre si ficaram muito assombrados e maravilhados;
52 Pois não tinham compreendido o milagre dos pães; antes o seu coração estava endurecido.
53 E, quando já estavam no outro lado, dirigiram-se à terra de Genesaré, e ali atracaram.
54 E, saindo eles do barco, logo o conheceram;
55 E, correndo toda a terra em redor, começaram a trazer em leitos, aonde quer que sabiam que ele estava, os que se achavam enfermos.
56 E, onde quer que entrava, ou em cidade, ou aldeias, ou no campo, apresentavam os enfermos nas praças, e rogavam-lhe que os deixasse tocar ao menos na orla da sua roupa; e todos os que lhe tocavam saravam.
1 And he went out from there, and came into his fatherland, and his disciples follow him.
2 And having become Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many who heard him were astonished, saying, How are these things in this man? and, What is the wisdom that was given to him, and such mighty works happen by his han
3 Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judah and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended by him.
4 But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his fatherland, and among his kin, and in his house.
5 And he could do no mighty work there, none, except having laid his hands upon a few feeble men he healed them.
6 And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went around the villages teaching.
7 And he summons the twelve, and began to send them forth in pairs. And he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
8 And he commanded them that they should take up nothing for the way, except only a staff--no scrip, no bread, no copper in the belt--
9 but shod with sandals, and, Do not wear two coats.
10 And he said to them, Wherever ye enter into a house, lodge there until ye depart from there.
11 And as many as might not receive you nor hear you, as ye depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony to them. Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in the day of judgment than
12 And having departed, they preached that men should repent.
13 And they cast out many demons, and anointed many feeble men with olive oil, and healed them.
14 And king Herod heard, for his name had become well known. And he said, John, the man who immerses, was raised from the dead, and because of this the powers work in him.
15 Others said, He is Elijah, and others said, He is a prophet, like one of the prophets.
16 But Herod, when he heard, said, This is John whom I beheaded. He was raised from the dead.
17 For Herod himself having sent forth, he arrested John, and bound him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because he married her.
18 For John said to Herod, It is not permitted for thee to have thy brother's wife.
19 And Herodias was resentful toward him, and wanted to kill him. And she could not,
20 for Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and he protected him. And having heard of him--the many things he was doing--he even heard of him gladly.
21 And having become a convenient day, when Herod on his birthday made a dinner for his chiefs, and the high captains, and the leading men of Galilee,
22 and the daughter of her (of Herodias) having come in and danced, and having pleased Herod and those who sat with the king, he said to the maiden, Ask of me whatever thou may want, and I will give to thee.
23 And he swore to her, Whatever thou may ask of me, I will give to thee, as much as half of my kingdom.
24 And having gone out, she said to her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the immerser.
25 And having come in straightaway with haste to the king, she asked, saying, I want that thou may give me, of it on a platter, the head of John the immerser.
26 And the king, who became exceeding sorry, did not want to refuse her because of the oaths, and of those dining together.
27 And straightaway having sent an executioner, the king commanded his head to be brought. And having departed, he beheaded him in the prison,
28 and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the maiden. And the maiden gave it to her mother.
29 And when his disciples heard, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a sepulcher.
30 And the apostles gather together to Jesus, and reported all to him, and how many things they did, and how many things they taught.
31 And he said to them, Come ye yourselves in private into a desolate place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going, and they had no opportunity even to eat.
32 And they departed in the boat to a desolate place in private.
33 And they saw them going. And many recognized him, and ran together on foot there from all the cities. And they went before them, and came together to him.
34 And Jesus having come out, he saw a great multitude. And he felt compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.
35 And now many an hour having come to pass, his disciples having come to him, they say, The place is desolate, and it is now many an hour.
36 Send them away, so that after going into the fields and villages around, they may buy loaves for themselves, for they do not have what they may eat.
37 But having answered, he said to them, Give ye them to eat. And they say to him, After departing, shall we buy loaves of two hundred denarii, and give them to eat?
38 And he says to them, How many loaves have ye? Go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
39 And he commanded them to sit down, all by companies upon the green grass.
40 And they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties.
41 And after taking the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to heaven, he blessed, and broke the loaves in pieces, and he gave to the disciples so that they might set before them. And he distributed the two fishes to them
42 And they all ate, and were filled.
43 And they took up fragments, twelve baskets full, and from the fishes.
44 And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men.
45 And straightaway he compelled his disciples to enter into the boat, and to go ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he himself would send the crowd away.
46 And after sending them away, he departed onto the mountain to pray.
47 And having become evening, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land.
48 And he saw them toiling in rowing, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he comes to them, walking on the sea, and wanted to passed by them.
49 But they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed it to be a ghost, and cried out.
50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And straightaway he spoke with them, and says to them, Cheer up. It is I, fear not.
51 And he went up to them into the boat, and the wind ceased. And they were exceedingly amazed in themselves, extraordinarily so. And they wondered,
52 for they did not understand about the loaves, for their heart was hardened.
53 And having crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret, and moored to the shore.
54 And when they came out of the boat, straightaway, having recognized him,
55 after running around that whole region around, they began to carry about on beds those who were faring badly, where they heard he was there.
56 And wherever he entered, into villages or cities or fields, they laid those who were feeble in the marketplaces, and besought him that if they might but touch the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched him were being healed.