1 E sucedeu que, ouvindo Sambalate que edificávamos o muro, ardeu em ira, e se indignou muito; e escarneceu dos judeus.
2 E falou na presença de seus irmãos, e do exército de Samaria, e disse: Que fazem estes fracos judeus? Permitir-se-lhes-á isto? Sacrificarão? Acabá-lo-ão num só dia? Vivificarão dos montões do pó as pedras que foram queimadas?
3 E estava com ele Tobias, o amonita, e disse: Ainda que edifiquem, contudo, vindo uma raposa, derrubará facilmente o seu muro de pedra.
1 But it came to pass that, when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.
2 And he spoke before his brothers and the army of Samaria, and said, What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? Will they finish in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rub
3 Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, Even that which they are building, if a fox goes up he shall break down their stone wall.