1 A ti, ó Deus, espera o louvor em Sião, e a ti se pagará o voto.
2 Ó tu que ouves as orações, a ti virá toda a carne.
3 Prevalecem as iniquidades contra mim; porém tu limpas as nossas transgressões.
4 Bem-aventurado aquele a quem tu escolhes, e fazes chegar a ti, para que habite em teus átrios; nós seremos fartos da bondade da tua casa e do teu santo templo.
5 Com coisas tremendas em justiça nos responderás, ó Deus da nossa salvação; tu és a esperança de todas as extremidades da terra, e daqueles que estão longe sobre o mar.
6 O que pela sua força consolida os montes, cingido de fortaleza;
7 O que aplaca o ruído dos mares, o ruído das suas ondas, e o tumulto dos povos.
8 E os que habitam nos fins da terra temem os teus sinais; tu fazes alegres as saídas da manhã e da tarde.
9 Tu visitas a terra, e a refrescas; tu a enriqueces grandemente com o rio de Deus, que está cheio de água; tu lhe preparas o trigo, quando assim a tens preparada.
10 Enches de água os seus sulcos; tu lhe aplanas as leivas; tu a amoleces com a muita chuva; abençoas as suas novidades.
11 Coroas o ano com a tua bondade, e as tuas veredas destilam gordura.
12 Destilam sobre os pastos do deserto, e os outeiros os cingem de alegria.
13 Os campos se vestem de rebanhos, e os vales se cobrem de trigo; eles se regozijam e cantam.
1 Praise waits for you, O God, in Sion: and to you shall the vow be performed.
2 O you that hear prayer, to you shall all flesh come.
3 Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions, you shall purge them away.
4 Blessed is the man whom you choose, and cause to approach to you, that he may dwell in your courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, even of your holy temple.
5 By terrible things in righteousness will you answer us, O God of our salvation; who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off on the sea:
6 Which by his strength sets fast the mountains; being girded with power:
7 Which stills the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people.
8 They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at your tokens: you make the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.
9 You visit the earth, and water it: you greatly enrich it with the river of God, which is full of water: you prepare them corn, when you have so provided for it.
10 You water the ridges thereof abundantly: you settle the furrows thereof: you make it soft with showers: you bless the springing thereof.
11 You crown the year with your goodness; and your paths drop fatness.
12 They drop on the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side.
13 The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.