1 Os filisteus, pois, tomaram a arca de Deus e a trouxeram de Ebenézer a Asdode.
2 Tomaram os filisteus a arca de Deus, e a colocaram na casa de Dagom, e a puseram junto a Dagom.
3 Levantando-se, porém, de madrugada no dia seguinte, os de Asdode, eis que Dagom estava caído com o rosto em terra, diante da arca do Senhor; e tomaram a Dagom, e tornaram a pô-lo no seu lugar.
4 E, levantando-se de madrugada, no dia seguinte, pela manhã, eis que Dagom jazia caído com o rosto em terra diante da arca do Senhor; e a cabeça de Dagom e ambas as palmas das suas mãos estavam cortadas sobre o limiar; somente o tronco ficou a Dagom.
5 Por isso nem os sacerdotes de Dagom, nem nenhum de todos os que entram na casa de Dagom pisam o limiar de Dagom em Asdode, até ao dia de hoje.
6 Porém a mão do Senhor se agravou sobre os de Asdode, e os assolou; e os feriu com hemorroidas, em Asdode e nos seus termos.
7 Vendo então os homens de Asdode que assim foi, disseram: Não fique conosco a arca do Deus de Israel; pois a sua mão é dura sobre nós, e sobre Dagom, nosso deus.
8 Por isso enviaram mensageiros e congregaram a si todos os príncipes dos filisteus, e disseram: Que faremos nós da arca do Deus de Israel? E responderam: A arca do Deus de Israel será levada até Gate. Assim levaram para lá a arca do Deus de Israel.
9 E sucedeu que, assim que a levaram, a mão do Senhor veio contra aquela cidade, com mui grande vexame; pois feriu aos homens daquela cidade, desde o pequeno até ao grande; e tinham hemorroidas nas partes íntimas.
10 Então enviaram a arca de Deus a Ecrom. Sucedeu, porém, que, vindo a arca de Deus a Ecrom, os de Ecrom exclamaram, dizendo: Transportaram para nós a arca do Deus de Israel, para nos matarem, a nós e ao nosso povo.
11 E enviaram, e congregaram a todos os príncipes dos filisteus, e disseram: Enviai a arca do Deus de Israel, e torne para o seu lugar, para que não mate nem a nós nem ao nosso povo. Porque havia mortal vexame em toda a cidade, e a mão de Deus muito se agravara ali.
12 E os homens que não morriam eram tão atacados com hemorroidas que o clamor da cidade subia até o céu.
1 Now the Philistines, having taken the ark of God, took it with them from Eben-ezer to Ashdod.
2 They took the ark of God into the house of Dagon and put it by the side of Dagon.
3 And when the people of Ashdod got up early on the morning after, they saw that Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord. And they took Dagon up and put him in his place again.
4 And when they got up early on the morning after, Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord; and his head and his hands were broken off on the doorstep; only the base was in its place.
5 So to this day no priest of Dagon, or any who come into Dagon's house, will put his foot on the doorstep of the house of Dagon in Ashdod.
6 But the hand of the Lord was hard on the people of Ashdod and he sent disease on them through all the country of Ashdod.
7 And when the men of Ashdod saw how it was, they said, Let not the ark of the God of Israel be with us, for his hand is hard on us and on Dagon our god.
8 So they sent for all the lords of the Philistines to come together there, and said, What are we to do with the ark of the God of Israel? And their answer was, Let the ark of the God of Israel be taken away to Gath. So they took the ark of the God of Israel away.
9 But after they had taken it away, the hand of the Lord was stretched out against the town for its destruction: and the signs of disease came out on all the men of the town, small and great.
10 So they sent the ark of God to Ekron. And when the ark of God came to Ekron, the people of the town made an outcry, saying, They have sent the ark of the God of Israel to us for the destruction of us and of our people.
11 So they sent and got together all the lords of the Philistines, and they said, Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go back to its place, so that it may not be the cause of death to us and to our people: for there was a great fear of death through all the town; the hand of God was very hard on them there.
12 And those men who were not overtaken by death were cruelly diseased: and the cry of the town went up to heaven.