1 Então disse Eliseu: Ouvi a palavra do Senhor; assim diz o Senhor: Amanhã, quase a este tempo, haverá uma medida de farinha por um siclo, e duas medidas de cevada por um siclo, à porta de Samaria.
2 Porém um senhor, em cuja mão o rei se encostava, respondeu ao homem de Deus e disse: Eis que ainda que o Senhor fizesse janelas no céu, poder-se-ia fazer isso? E ele disse: Eis que o verás com os teus olhos, porém disso não comerás.
3 E quatro homens leprosos estavam à entrada da porta, os quais disseram uns aos outros: Para que estaremos nós aqui até morrermos?
4 Se dissermos: Entremos na cidade, há fome na cidade, e morreremos aí; e se ficarmos aqui, também morreremos. Vamos nós, pois, agora, e passemos para o arraial dos sírios; se nos deixarem viver, viveremos, e se nos matarem, tão somente morreremos.
5 E levantaram-se ao crepúsculo, para irem ao arraial dos sírios; e, chegando à entrada do arraial dos sírios, eis que não havia ali ninguém.
6 Porque o Senhor fizera ouvir no arraial dos sírios ruído de carros e ruído de cavalos, como o ruído de um grande exército; de maneira que disseram uns aos outros: Eis que o rei de Israel alugou contra nós os reis dos heteus e os reis dos egípcios, para virem contra nós.
7 Por isso se levantaram, e fugiram no crepúsculo, e deixaram as suas tendas, os seus cavalos, os seus jumentos e o arraial como estava; e fugiram para salvarem a sua vida.
8 Chegando, pois, estes leprosos à entrada do arraial, entraram numa tenda, e comeram, beberam e tomaram dali prata, ouro e roupas, e foram e os esconderam; então voltaram, e entraram em outra tenda, e dali também tomaram alguma coisa, e foram, e a esconderam.
9 Então disseram uns para os outros: Não fazemos bem; este dia é dia de boas novas, e nos calamos; se esperarmos até à luz da manhã, algum mal nos sobrevirá; por isso agora vamos, e o anunciaremos à casa do rei.
10 Vieram, pois, e bradaram aos porteiros da cidade, e lhes anunciaram, dizendo: Fomos ao arraial dos sírios e eis que lá não havia ninguém, nem voz de homem, porém só cavalos atados, jumentos atados, e as tendas como estavam.
11 E chamaram os porteiros, e o anunciaram dentro da casa do rei.
12 E o rei se levantou de noite, e disse a seus servos: Agora vos farei saber o que é que os sírios nos fizeram; bem sabem eles que esfaimados estamos, pelo que saíram do arraial, a esconder-se pelo campo, dizendo: Quando saírem da cidade, então os tomaremos vivos, e entraremos na cidade.
13 Então um dos seus servos respondeu e disse: Tomem-se, pois, cinco dos cavalos que restam aqui dentro (eis que são como toda a multidão dos israelitas que ficaram aqui; e eis que são como toda a multidão dos israelitas que já pereceram) e enviemo-los, e vejamos.
14 Tomaram, pois, dois cavalos de carro; e o rei os enviou com mensageiros após o exército dos sírios, dizendo: Ide, e vede.
15 E foram após eles até ao Jordão, e eis que todo o caminho estava cheio de roupas e de aviamentos que os sírios, apressando-se, lançaram fora; e voltaram os mensageiros e o anunciaram ao rei.
16 Então saiu o povo, e saqueou o arraial dos sírios; e havia uma medida de farinha por um siclo, e duas medidas de cevada por um siclo, conforme a palavra do Senhor.
17 E pusera o rei à porta o senhor em cuja mão se encostava; e o povo o atropelou na porta, e morreu, como falara o homem de Deus, o que falou quando o rei descera a ele.
18 Porque assim sucedeu como o homem de Deus falara ao rei dizendo: Amanhã, quase a este tempo, haverá duas medidas de cevada por um siclo, e uma medida de farinha por um siclo, à porta de Samaria.
19 E aquele senhor respondeu ao homem de Deus, e disse: Eis que ainda que o Senhor fizesse janelas no céu poderia isso suceder? E ele disse: Eis que o verás com os teus olhos, porém dali não comerás.
20 E assim lhe sucedeu, porque o povo o atropelou à porta, e morreu.
1 Then Elisha said, Give ear to the word of the Lord: the Lord says, Tomorrow, about this time, a measure of good meal will be offered for the price of a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the market-place of Samaria.
2 Then the captain whose arm was supporting the king said to the man of God, Even if the Lord made windows in heaven, would such a thing be possible? And he said, Your eyes will see it, but you will not have a taste of the food.
3 Now there were four lepers seated at the doorway into the town: and they said to one another, Why are we waiting here for death?
4 If we say, We will go into the town, there is no food in the town, and we will come to our end there; and if we go on waiting here, death will come to us. Come then, let us give ourselves up to the army of Aram: if they let us go on living, then life will be ours; and if they put us to death, then death will be ours.
5 So in the half light they got up to go to the tents of Aram; but when they came to the outer line of tents, there was no one there.
6 For the Lord had made the sound of carriages and horses, and the noise of a great army, come to the ears of the Aramaeans, so that they said to one another, Truly, the king of Israel has got the kings of the Hittites and of the Egyptians for a price to make an attack on us.
7 So they got up and went in flight, in the half light, without their tents or their horses or their asses or any of their goods; they went in flight, fearing for their lives.
8 And when those lepers came to the outer line of tents, they went into one tent, and had food and drink, and took from it silver and gold and clothing, which they put in a secret place; then they came back and went into another tent from which they took more goods, which they put away in a secret place.
9 Then they said to one another, We are not doing right. Today is a day of good news, and we say nothing: if we go on waiting here till the morning, punishment will come to us. So let us go and give the news to those of the king's house.
10 So they came in, and, crying out to the door-keepers of the town, they gave them the news, saying, We came to the tents of the Aramaeans, and there was no one there and no voice of man, only the horses and the asses in their places, and the tents as they were.
11 Then the door-keepers, crying out, gave the news to those inside the king's house.
12 Then the king got up in the night and said to his servants, This is my idea of what the Aramaeans have done to us. They have knowledge that we are without food; and so they have gone out of their tents, and are waiting secretly in the open country, saying, When they come out of the town, we will take them living and get into the town.
13 And one of his servants said in answer, Send men and let them take five of the horses which we still have in the town; if they keep their lives they will be the same as those of Israel who are still living here; if they come to their death they will be the same as all those of Israel who have gone to destruction: let us send and see.
14 So they took two horsemen; and the king sent them after the army of the Aramaeans, saying, Go and see.
15 And they went after them as far as Jordan; and all the road was covered with clothing and vessels dropped by the Aramaeans in their flight. So those who were sent went back and gave the news to the king.
16 Then the people went out and took the goods from the tents of the Aramaeans. So a measure of good meal was to be had for the price of a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, as the Lord had said.
17 And the king gave authority to that captain, on whose arm he was supported, to have control over the doorway into the town; but he was crushed to death there under the feet of the people, as the man of God had said when the king went down to him.
18 So the words of the man of God came true, which he said to the king: Two measures of barley will be offered for the price of a shekel and a measure of good meal for a shekel, tomorrow about this time in the market-place of Samaria.
19 And that captain said to the man of God, Even if the Lord made windows in heaven, would such a thing be possible? And he said to him, Your eyes will see it, but you will not have a taste of the food.
20 And such was his fate; for he was crushed to death under the feet of the people, in the doorway into the town.