1 E Zedequias, filho de Josias, a quem Nabucodonosor, rei de Babilônia, constituiu rei na terra de Judá, reinou em lugar de Conias, filho de Jeoiaquim.
2 Mas nem ele, nem os seus servos, nem o povo da terra deram ouvidos às palavras do Senhor que falou pelo ministério de Jeremias, o profeta.
3 Contudo mandou o rei Zedequias a Jucal, filho de Selemias, e a Sofonias, filho de Maaseias, o sacerdote, ao profeta Jeremias, para lhe dizer: Roga agora por nós ao Senhor nosso Deus.
4 E entrava e saía Jeremias entre o povo, porque não o tinham posto na prisão.
5 E o exército de Faraó saíra do Egito; e quando os caldeus, que tinham sitiado Jerusalém, ouviram esta notícia, retiraram-se de Jerusalém.
6 Então veio a Jeremias, o profeta, a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
7 Assim diz o Senhor, Deus de Israel: Assim direis ao rei de Judá, que vos enviou a mim para me consultar: Eis que o exército de Faraó, que saiu em vosso socorro, voltará para a sua terra no Egito.
8 E voltarão os caldeus, e pelejarão contra esta cidade, e a tomarão, e a queimarão a fogo.
9 Assim diz o Senhor: Não enganeis as vossas almas, dizendo: Sem dúvida se retirarão os caldeus de nós, pois não se retirarão.
10 Porque ainda que ferísseis a todo o exército dos caldeus, que peleja contra vós, e só ficassem deles homens feridos, cada um levantar-se-ia na sua tenda, e queimaria a fogo esta cidade.
11 E sucedeu que, subindo de Jerusalém o exército dos caldeus, por causa do exército de Faraó,
12 Saiu Jeremias de Jerusalém, a fim de ir à terra de Benjamim, para dali se separar no meio do povo.
13 Mas, estando ele à porta de Benjamim, achava-se ali um capitão da guarda, cujo nome era Jerias, filho de Selemias, filho de Hananias, o qual prendeu a Jeremias, o profeta, dizendo: Tu foges para os caldeus.
14 E Jeremias disse: Isso é falso, não fujo para os caldeus. Mas ele não lhe deu ouvidos; e assim Jerias prendeu a Jeremias, e o levou aos príncipes.
15 E os príncipes se iraram muito contra Jeremias, e o feriram; e puseram-no na prisão, na casa de Jônatas, o escrivão; porque a tinham transformado em cárcere.
16 Entrando, pois, Jeremias nas celas do calabouço, ali ficou muitos dias.
17 E mandou o rei Zedequias soltá-lo; e o rei lhe perguntou em sua casa, em segredo, e disse: Há porventura alguma palavra do Senhor? E disse Jeremias: Há. E disse ainda: Na mão do rei de Babilônia serás entregue.
18 Disse mais Jeremias ao rei Zedequias: Em que tenho pecado contra ti, e contra os teus servos, e contra este povo, para que me pusésseis na prisão?
19 Onde estão agora os vossos profetas, que vos profetizavam, dizendo: O rei de Babilônia não virá contra vós nem contra esta terra?
20 Ora, pois, ouve agora, ó rei meu senhor: Seja aceita agora a minha súplica diante de ti, e não me deixes tornar à casa de Jônatas, o escriba, para que eu não venha a morrer ali.
21 Então ordenou o rei Zedequias que pusessem a Jeremias no átrio da guarda; e deram-lhe um pão cada dia, da rua dos padeiros, até que se acabou todo o pão da cidade; assim ficou Jeremias no átrio da guarda.
1 And Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, became king in place of Coniah, the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, made king in the land of Judah.
2 But he and his servants and the people of the land did not give ear to the words of the Lord which he said by Jeremiah the prophet.
3 And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal, the son of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah the priest, to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Make prayer now to the Lord our God for us.
4 (Now Jeremiah was going about among the people, for they had not put him in prison.
5 And Pharaoh's army had come out from Egypt: and the Chaldaeans, who were attacking Jerusalem, hearing news of them, went away from Jerusalem.)
6 Then the word of the Lord came to the prophet Jeremiah, saying,
7 The Lord, the God of Israel, has said: This is what you are to say to the king of Judah who sent you to get directions from me: See, Pharaoh's army, which has come out to your help, will go back to Egypt, to their land.
8 And the Chaldaeans will come back again and make war against this town and they will take it and put it on fire.
9 The Lord has said, Have no false hopes, saying to yourselves, The Chaldaeans will go away from us: for they will not go away.
10 For even if you had overcome all the army of the Chaldaeans fighting against you, and there were only wounded men among them, still they would get up, every man in his tent, and put this town on fire.
11 And it came about that when the Chaldaean army outside Jerusalem had gone away for fear of Pharaoh's army,
12 Jeremiah went out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, with the purpose of taking up his heritage there among the people.
13 But when he was at the Benjamin door, a captain of the watch named Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, who was stationed there, put his hand on Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You are going to give yourself up to the Chaldaeans.
14 Then Jeremiah said, That is not true; I am not going to the Chaldaeans. But he would not give ear to him: so Irijah made him prisoner and took him to the rulers.
15 And the rulers were angry with Jeremiah, and gave him blows and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they had made that the prison.
16 So Jeremiah came into the hole of the prison, under the arches, and was there for a long time.
17 Then King Zedekiah sent and got him out: and the king, questioning him secretly in his house, said, Is there any word from the Lord? And Jeremiah said, There is. Then he said, You will be given up into the hands of the king of Babylon.
18 Then Jeremiah said to King Zedekiah, What has been my sin against you or against your servants or against this people, that you have put me in prison?
19 Where now are your prophets who said to you, The king of Babylon will not come against you and against this land?
20 And now be pleased to give ear, O my lord the king; let my prayer for help come before you, and do not make me go back to the house of Jonathan the scribe, for fear that I may come to my death there.
21 Then by the order of Zedekiah the king, Jeremiah was put into the place of the armed watchmen, and they gave him every day a cake of bread from the street of the bread-makers, till all the bread in the town was used up. So Jeremiah was kept in the place of the armed watchmen.