1 A palavra que Jeremias, o profeta, falou a Baruque, filho de Nerias, quando este escrevia, num livro, estas palavras, da boca de Jeremias, no ano quarto de Jeoiaquim, filho de Josias, rei de Judá, dizendo:
2 Assim diz o Senhor, Deus de Israel, acerca de ti, ó Baruque:
3 Disseste: Ai de mim agora, porque me acrescentou o Senhor tristeza sobre minha dor! Estou cansado do meu gemido, e não acho descanso.
4 Assim lhe dirás: Isto diz o Senhor: Eis que o que edifiquei eu derrubo, e o que plantei eu arranco, e isso em toda esta terra.
5 E procuras tu grandezas para ti mesmo? Não as procures; porque eis que trarei mal sobre toda a carne, diz o Senhor; porém te darei a tua alma por despojo, em todos os lugares para onde fores.
1 The words which Jeremiah the prophet said to Baruch, the son of Neriah, when he put these words down in a book from the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah; he said,
2 This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, has said of you, O Baruch:
3 You said, Sorrow is mine! for the Lord has given me sorrow in addition to my pain; I am tired with the sound of my sorrow, and I get no rest.
4 This is what you are to say to him: The Lord has said, Truly, the building which I put up will be broken down, and that which was planted by me will be uprooted, and this through all the land;
5 And as for you, are you looking for great things for yourself? Have no desire for them: for truly I will send evil on all flesh, says the Lord: but your life I will keep safe from attack wherever you go.