1 A palavra do Senhor, que veio a Jeremias, o profeta, contra os filisteus, antes que Faraó ferisse a Gaza.
2 Assim diz o Senhor: Eis que se levantam as águas do norte, e tornar-se-ão em torrente transbordante, e alagarão a terra e sua plenitude, a cidade, e os que nela habitam; e os homens clamarão, e todos os moradores da terra se lamentarão;
3 Ao ruído estrepitoso dos cascos dos seus fortes cavalos, ao barulho de seus carros, ao estrondo das suas rodas; os pais não atendem aos filhos, por causa da fraqueza das mãos;
4 Por causa do dia que vem, para destruir a todos os filisteus, para cortar de Tiro e de Sidom todo o restante que os socorra; porque o Senhor destruirá os filisteus, o remanescente da ilha de Caftor.
5 A calvície veio sobre Gaza, foi desarraigada Ascalom, com o restante do seu vale; até quando te retalharás?
6 Ah; espada do Senhor! Até quando deixarás de repousar? Volta para a tua bainha, descansa, e aquieta-te.
7 Mas como te aquietarás? Pois o Senhor deu ordem à espada contra Ascalom, e contra a praia do mar, para onde ele a enviou.
1 The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet about the Philistines, before Pharaoh's attack on Gaza.
2 This is what the Lord has said: See, waters are coming up out of the north, and will become an overflowing stream, overflowing the land and everything in it, the town and those who are living in it; and men will give a cry, and all the people of the land will be crying out in pain.
3 At the noise of the stamping of the feet of his war-horses, at the rushing of his carriages and the thunder of his wheels, fathers will give no thought to their children, because their hands are feeble;
4 Because of the day which is coming with destruction on all the Philistines, cutting off from Tyre and Zidon the last of their helpers: for the Lord will send destruction on the Philistines, the rest of the sea-land of Caphtor.
5 The hair is cut off from the head of Gaza; Ashkelon has come to nothing; the last of the Anakim are deeply wounding themselves.
6 O sword of the Lord, how long will you have no rest? put yourself back into your cover; be at peace, be quiet.
7 How is it possible for it to be quiet, seeing that the Lord has given it orders? against Ashkelon and against the sea-land he has given it directions.