1 Ouvindo o cananeu, rei de Arade, que habitava para o lado sul, que Israel vinha pelo caminho dos espias, pelejou contra Israel, e dele levou alguns prisioneiros.
2 Então Israel fez um voto ao Senhor, dizendo: Se de fato entregares este povo na minha mão, destruirei totalmente as suas cidades.
3 O Senhor, pois, ouviu a voz de Israel, e lhe entregou os cananeus; e os israelitas destruíram totalmente, a eles e às suas cidades; e o nome daquele lugar chamou Hormá.
4 Então partiram do monte Hor, pelo caminho do Mar Vermelho, a rodear a terra de Edom; porém a alma do povo angustiou-se naquele caminho.
5 E o povo falou contra Deus e contra Moisés: Por que nos fizestes subir do Egito para que morrêssemos neste deserto? Pois aqui nem pão nem água há; e a nossa alma tem fastio deste pão tão vil.
6 Então o Senhor mandou entre o povo serpentes ardentes, que picaram o povo; e morreu muita gente em Israel.
7 Por isso o povo veio a Moisés, e disse: Havemos pecado, porquanto temos falado contra o Senhor e contra ti; ora ao Senhor que tire de nós estas serpentes. Então Moisés orou pelo povo.
8 E disse o Senhor a Moisés: Faze-te uma serpente ardente, e põe-na sobre uma haste; e será que viverá todo o que, tendo sido picado, olhar para ela.
9 E Moisés fez uma serpente de metal, e pô-la sobre uma haste; e sucedia que, picando alguma serpente a alguém, quando esse olhava para a serpente de metal, vivia.
10 Então os filhos de Israel partiram, e alojaram-se em Obote.
11 Depois partiram de Obote e alojaram-se nos outeiros de Ije-Abarim, no deserto que está defronte de Moabe, ao nascente do sol.
12 Dali partiram, e alojaram-se junto ao ribeiro de Zerede.
13 E dali partiram e alojaram-se no lado de Arnom, que está no deserto e sai dos termos dos amorreus; porque Arnom é o termo de Moabe, entre Moabe e os amorreus.
14 Por isso se diz no livro das guerras do Senhor: O que fiz no Mar Vermelho e nos ribeiros de Arnom,
15 E à corrente dos ribeiros, que descendo para a situação de Ar, se encosta aos termos de Moabe.
16 E dali partiram para Beer; este é o poço do qual o Senhor disse a Moisés: Ajunta o povo e lhe darei água.
17 Então Israel cantou este cântico: Brota, ó poço! Cantai dele:
18 Tu, poço, que cavaram os príncipes, que escavaram os nobres do povo, e o legislador com os seus cajados. E do deserto partiram para Mataná;
19 E de Mataná a Naaliel, e de Naaliel a Bamote.
20 E de Bamote ao vale que está no campo de Moabe, no cume de Pisga, e à vista do deserto.
21 Então Israel mandou mensageiros a Siom, rei dos amorreus, dizendo:
22 Deixa-me passar pela tua terra; não nos desviaremos pelos campos nem pelas vinhas; as águas dos poços não beberemos; iremos pela estrada real até que passemos os teus termos.
23 Porém Siom não deixou passar a Israel pelos seus termos; antes Siom congregou todo o seu povo, e saiu ao encontro de Israel no deserto, e veio a Jaza, e pelejou contra Israel.
24 Mas Israel o feriu ao fio da espada, e tomou a sua terra em possessão, desde Arnom até Jaboque, até aos filhos de Amom; porquanto o termo dos filhos de Amom era forte.
25 Assim Israel tomou todas as cidades; e habitou em todas as cidades dos amorreus, em Hesbom e em todas as suas aldeias.
26 Porque Hesbom era cidade de Siom, rei dos amorreus, que tinha pelejado contra o precedente rei dos moabitas, e tinha tomado da sua mão toda a sua terra até Arnom.
27 Por isso dizem os que falam em provérbios: Vinde a Hesbom; edifique-se e estabeleça-se a cidade de Siom.
28 Porque fogo saiu de Hesbom, e uma chama da cidade de Siom; e consumiu a Ar dos moabitas, e os senhores dos altos de Arnom.
29 Ai de ti, Moabe! Perdido és, povo de Quemós! Entregou seus filhos, que iam fugindo, e suas filhas, como cativas a Siom, rei dos amorreus.
30 E nós os abatemos; Hesbom perdida é até Dibom, e os assolamos até Nofá, que se estende até Medeba.
31 Assim Israel habitou na terra dos amorreus.
32 Depois mandou Moisés espiar a Jazer, e tomaram as suas aldeias, e daquela possessão lançaram os amorreus que estavam ali.
33 Então viraram-se, e subiram o caminho de Basã; e Ogue, rei de Basã, saiu contra eles, ele e todo o seu povo, à peleja em Edrei.
34 E disse o Senhor a Moisés: Não o temas, porque eu o tenho dado na tua mão, a ele, e a todo o seu povo, e a sua terra, e far-lhe-ás como fizeste a Siom, rei dos amorreus, que habitava em Hesbom.
35 E de tal maneira o feriram, a ele e a seus filhos, e a todo o seu povo, que nenhum deles escapou; e tomaram a sua terra em possessão.
1 And it came to the ears of the Canaanite, the king of Arad, living in the South, that Israel was coming by the way of Atharim, and he came out against them and took some of them prisoners.
2 Then Israel made an oath to the Lord, and said, If you will give up this people into my hands, then I will send complete destruction on all their towns.
3 And the Lord, in answer to the voice of Israel, gave the Canaanites up to them; and they put them and their towns completely to destruction: and that place was named Hormah.
4 Then they went on from Mount Hor by the way to the Red Sea, going round the land of Edom: and the spirit of the people was overcome with weariness on the way.
5 And crying out against God and against Moses, they said, Why have you taken us out of Egypt to come to our death in the waste land? For there is no bread and no water, and this poor bread is disgusting to us.
6 Then the Lord sent poison-snakes among the people; and their bites were a cause of death to numbers of the people of Israel.
7 Then the people came to Moses and said, We have done wrong in crying out against the Lord and against you: make prayer to the Lord to take away the snakes from us. So Moses made prayer for the people.
8 And the Lord said to Moses, Make an image of a snake and put it on a rod, and anyone who has been wounded by the snakes, looking on it will be made well.
9 So Moses made a snake of brass and put it on a rod; and anyone who had a snakebite, after looking on the snake of brass, was made well.
10 Then the children of Israel went on and put up their tents in Oboth.
11 And journeying on again from Oboth, they put up their tents in Iye-abarim, in the waste land before Moab looking east.
12 And moving on from there, they put up their tents in the valley of Zered.
13 From there they went on and put up their tents on the other side of the Arnon, which is on the waste land at the edge of the land of the Amorites; for the Arnon is the line of division between Moab and the Amorites:
14 As it says in the book of the Wars of the Lord, Vaheb in Suphah, and the valley of the Amon;
15 The slope of the valleys going down to the tents of Ar and touching the edge of Moab.
16 From there they went on to Beer, the water-spring of which the Lord said to Moses, Make the people come together and I will give them water.
17 Then Israel gave voice to this song: Come up, O water-spring, let us make a song to it:
18 The fountain made by the chiefs, made deep by the great ones of the people, with the law-givers' rod, and with their sticks. Then from the waste land they went on to Mattanah:
19 And from Mattanah to Nahaliel: and from Nahaliel to Bamoth:
20 And from Bamoth to the valley in the open country of Moab, and to the top of Pisgah looking over Jeshimon.
21 And Israel sent men to Sihon, king of the Amorites, saying,
22 Let me go through your land: we will not go into field or vine-garden, or take the water of the springs; we will go by the highway till we have gone past the limits of your land.
23 And Sihon would not let Israel go through his land; but got all his people together and went out against Israel into the waste land, as far as Jahaz, to make war on Israel.
24 But Israel overcame him, and took all his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, as far as the country of the children of Ammon, for the country of the children of Ammon was strongly armed.
25 And Israel took all their towns, living in Heshbon and all the towns and small places of the Amorites.
26 For Heshbon was the town of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who had made war against an earlier king of Moab and taken from him all his land as far as the Arnon.
27 So the makers of wise sayings say, Come to Heshbon, building up the town of Sihon and making it strong:
28 For a fire has gone out of Heshbon, a flame from the town of Sihon: for the destruction of Ar in Moab, and the lords of the high places of the Arnon.
29 Sorrow is yours, O Moab! Destruction is your fate, O people of Chemosh: his sons have gone in flight, and his daughters are prisoners, in the hands of Sihon, king of the Amorites.
30 They are wounded with our arrows; destruction has come on Heshbon, even to Dibon; and we have made the land waste as far as Nophah, stretching out to Medeba.
31 So Israel put up their tents in the land of the Amorites.
32 And Moses sent men secretly to Jazer, and they took its towns, driving out the Amorites who were living there.
33 Then turning they went up by the way of Bashan; and Og, king of Bashan, went out against them with all his people, to the fight at Edrei.
34 And the Lord said to Moses, Have no fear of him: for I have given him up into your hands, with all his people and his land; do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, at Heshbon.
35 So they overcame him and his sons and his people, driving them all out: and they took his land for their heritage.