1 Celebrai com júbilo a Deus, todas as terras.
2 Cantai a glória do seu nome; dai glória ao seu louvor.
3 Dizei a Deus: Quão tremendo és tu nas tuas obras! Pela grandeza do teu poder se submeterão a ti os teus inimigos.
4 Todos os moradores da terra te adorarão e te cantarão; cantarão o teu nome. (Selá.)
5 Vinde, e vede as obras de Deus: é tremendo nos seus feitos para com os filhos dos homens.
6 Converteu o mar em terra seca; passaram o rio a pé; ali nos alegramos nele.
7 Ele domina eternamente pelo seu poder; os seus olhos estão sobre as nações; não se exaltem os rebeldes. (Selá.)
8 Bendizei, povos, ao nosso Deus, e fazei ouvir a voz do seu louvor,
9 Ao que sustenta com vida a nossa alma, e não consente que sejam abalados os nossos pés.
10 Pois tu, ó Deus, nos provaste; tu nos afinaste como se afina a prata.
11 Tu nos puseste na rede; afligiste os nossos lombos,
12 Fizeste com que os homens cavalgassem sobre as nossas cabeças; passamos pelo fogo e pela água; mas nos trouxeste a um lugar espaçoso.
13 Entrarei em tua casa com holocaustos; pagar-te-ei os meus votos,
14 Os quais pronunciaram os meus lábios, e falou a minha boca, quando estava na angústia.
15 Oferecer-te-ei holocaustos gordurosos com incenso de carneiros; oferecerei novilhos com cabritos. (Selá.)
16 Vinde, e ouvi, todos os que temeis a Deus, e eu contarei o que ele tem feito à minha alma.
17 A ele clamei com a minha boca, e ele foi exaltado pela minha língua.
18 Se eu atender à iniquidade no meu coração, o Senhor não me ouvirá;
19 Mas, na verdade, Deus me ouviu; atendeu à voz da minha oração.
20 Bendito seja Deus, que não rejeitou a minha oração, nem desviou de mim a sua misericórdia.
1 To the chief music-maker. A Song. A Psalm. Send up a glad cry to God, all the earth:
2 Make a song in honour of his name: give praise and glory to him.
3 Say to God, How greatly to be feared are your works! because of your great power your haters are forced to put themselves under your feet.
4 Let all the earth give you worship, and make songs to you; let them make songs to your name. (Selah.)
5 Come and see the works of God: he is to be feared in all he does to the children of men.
6 The sea was turned into dry land: they went through the river on foot: there did we have joy in him.
7 He is ruling in power for ever; his eyes are watching the nations: may his haters have no strength against him. (Selah.)
8 Give blessings to our God, O you peoples, let the voice of his praise be loud;
9 Because he gives us life, and has not let our feet be moved.
10 For you, O God, have put us to the test: testing us by fire like silver.
11 You let us be put in prison; chains were put on our legs.
12 You let men go driving over our heads; we went through fire and through water; but you took us out into a wide place.
13 I will come into your house with burned offerings, I will make payment of my debt to you,
14 Keeping the word which came from my lips, and which my mouth said, when I was in trouble.
15 I will give you burned offerings of fat beasts, and the smoke of sheep; I will make offerings of oxen and goats. (Selah.)
16 Come, give ear to me, all you God-fearing men, so that I may make clear to you what he has done for my soul.
17 My voice went up to him, and I was lifted up from the underworld.
18 I said in my heart, The Lord will not give ear to me:
19 But truly God's ear has been open; he has give attention to the voice of my prayer.
20 Praise be to God who has not taken away his good faith and his mercy from me.