1 Tu, que és pastor de Israel, dá ouvidos; tu, que guias a José como a um rebanho; tu, que te assentas entre os querubins, resplandece.
2 Perante Efraim, Benjamim e Manassés, desperta o teu poder, e vem salvar-nos.
3 Faze-nos voltar, ó Deus, e faze resplandecer o teu rosto, e seremos salvos.
4 Ó Senhor Deus dos Exércitos, até quando te indignarás contra a oração do teu povo?
5 Tu os sustentas com pão de lágrimas, e lhes dás a beber lágrimas com abundância.
6 Tu nos pões em contendas com os nossos vizinhos, e os nossos inimigos zombam de nós entre si.
7 Faze-nos voltar, ó Deus dos Exércitos, e faze resplandecer o teu rosto, e seremos salvos.
8 Trouxeste uma vinha do Egito; lançaste fora os gentios, e a plantaste.
9 Preparaste-lhe lugar, e fizeste com que ela deitasse raízes, e encheu a terra.
10 Os montes foram cobertos da sua sombra, e os seus ramos se fizeram como os cedros de Deus.
11 Ela estendeu a sua ramagem até ao mar, e os seus ramos até ao rio.
12 Por que quebraste então os seus valados, de modo que todos os que passam por ela a vindimam?
13 O javali da selva a devasta, e as feras do campo a devoram.
14 Oh! Deus dos Exércitos, volta-te, nós te rogamos, atende dos céus, e vê, e visita esta vide;
15 E a videira que a tua destra plantou, e o ramo que fortificaste para ti.
16 Está queimada pelo fogo, está cortada; pereceu pela repreensão da tua face.
17 Seja a tua mão sobre o homem da tua destra, sobre o filho do homem, que fortificaste para ti.
18 Assim nós não te viraremos as costas; guarda-nos em vida, e invocaremos o teu nome.
19 Faze-nos voltar, Senhor Deus dos Exércitos; faze resplandecer o teu rosto, e seremos salvos.
1 To the chief music-maker; put to Shoshannim-eduth. Of Asaph. A Psalm.
2 \80:1\Give ear, O Keeper of Israel, guiding Joseph like a flock; you who have your seat on the winged ones, let your glory be seen.
3 \80:2\Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, let your strength be awake from sleep, and come as our salvation.
4 \80:3\Take us back again, O God; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.
5 \80:4\O Lord God of armies, how long will your wrath be burning against the rest of your people?
6 \80:5\You have given them the bread of weeping for food; for their drink you have given them sorrow in great measure.
7 \80:6\You make us a cause of war among our neighbours; our haters are laughing at us among themselves.
8 \80:7\Take us back again, O God of armies; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.
9 \80:8\You took a vine out of Egypt: driving out the nations, and planting it in their land.
10 \80:9\You made ready a place for it, so that it might take deep root, and it sent out its branches over all the land.
11 \80:10\The mountains were covered with its shade, and the great trees with its branches.
12 \80:11\It sent out its arms to the Sea, and its branches to the River.
13 \80:12\Why are its walls broken down by your hands, so that all who go by may take its fruit?
14 \80:13\It is uprooted by the pigs from the woods, the beasts of the field get their food from it.
15 \80:14\Come back, O God of armies: from heaven let your eyes be turned to this vine, and give your mind to it,
16 \80:15\Even to the tree which was planted by your right hand, and to the branch which you made strong for yourself.
17 \80:16\It is burned with fire; it is cut down: they are made waste by the wrath of your face.
18 \80:17\Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
19 \80:18\So will we not be turned back from you; keep us in life, and we will give praise to your name.
20 \80:19\Take us back, O Lord God of armies; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.