16 The cup of blessing which we take, does it not give us a part in the blood of Christ? and is not the broken bread a taking part in the body of Christ?
17 Because we, being a number of persons, are one bread, we are one body: for we all take part in the one bread.
18 And while they were seated taking food, Jesus said, Truly I say to you, One of you will be false to me, one who is taking food with me.
19 They were sad, and said to him one by one, Is it I?
20 And he said to them, It is one of the twelve, one who is putting his bread with me into the same plate.
21 The Son of man goes, even as the Writings say of him: but cursed is that man through whom the Son of man is given up! It would have been well for that man if he had never been given birth.
2 So while a meal was going on, the Evil One having now put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to be false to him,
3 Jesus, being conscious that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he came from God and was going to God,
4 Got up from table, put off his robe and took a cloth and put it round him.
5 Then he put water into a basin and was washing the feet of the disciples and drying them with the cloth which was round him.
21 When Jesus had said this he was troubled in spirit, and gave witness, saying, Truly I say to you, that one of you will be false to me.
22 Then the eyes of the disciples were turned on one another, in doubt as to whom he had in mind.
23 There was at table one of his disciples, the one dear to Jesus, resting his head on Jesus' breast.
24 Making a sign to him, Simon Peter said, Who is it he is talking about?
25 He, then, resting his head on Jesus' breast, said to him, Lord, who is it?
26 This was the answer Jesus gave: It is the one to whom I will give this bit of bread after I have put it in the vessel. Then he took the bit of bread, put it into the vessel, and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.
27 And when Judas took the bread Satan went into him. Then Jesus said to him, Do quickly what you have to do.
28 Now it was not clear to anyone at table why he said this to him.
29 Some were of the opinion that because Judas kept the money-bag Jesus said to him, Get the things we have need of for the feast; or, that he was to give something to the poor.
30 So Judas, having taken the bit of bread, straight away went out: and it was night.
20 I have been put to death on the cross with Christ; still I am living; no longer I, but Christ is living in me; and that life which I now am living in the flesh I am living by faith, the faith of the Son of God, who in love for me, gave himself up for me.
14 And when the time had come, he took his seat, and the Apostles with him.
15 And he said, I have had a great desire to keep this Passover with you before I come to my death;
16 For I say to you, I will not take it till it is made complete in the kingdom of God.
4 In the same way, my brothers, you were made dead to the law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, even to him who came again from the dead, so that we might give fruit to God.
5 For when we were in the flesh, the evil passions which came into being through the law were working in our bodies to give the fruit of death.
6 But now we are free from the law, having been made dead to that which had power over us; so that we are servants in the new way of the spirit, not in the old way of the letter.
17 And he took a cup and, having given praise, he said, Make division of this among yourselves;
18 For I say to you, I will not take of the fruit of the vine till the kingdom of God has come.
19 And he took bread and, having given praise, he gave it to them when it had been broken, saying, This is my body, which is given for you: do this in memory of me.
20 And in the same way, after the meal, he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new testament, made with my blood which is given for you.
22 And while they were taking food, he took bread, and after blessing it, he gave the broken bread to them, and said, Take it: this is my body.
23 And he took a cup, and when he had given praise, he gave it to them: and they all had a drink from it.
24 And he said to them, This is my blood of the testament, which is given for men.
25 Truly I say to you, I will take no more of the fruit of the vine till the day when I take it new in the kingdom of God.
7 And on the first day of the week, when we had come together for the holy meal, Paul gave them a talk, for it was his purpose to go away on the day after; and he went on talking till after the middle of the night.
33 So then, my brothers, when you come together to the holy meal of the Lord, let there be waiting for one another.
34 If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.
19 And he took bread and, having given praise, he gave it to them when it had been broken, saying, This is my body, which is given for you: do this in memory of me.
20 And in the same way, after the meal, he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new testament, made with my blood which is given for you.
27 If, then, anyone takes the bread or the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit, he will be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord.
28 But let no man take of the bread and the cup without testing himself.
29 For a man puts himself in danger, if he takes part in the holy meal without being conscious that it is the Lord's body.
30 For this cause a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead.
23 For it was handed down to me from the Lord, as I gave it to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night when Judas was false to him, took bread,
24 And when it had been broken with an act of praise, he said, This is my body which is for you: do this in memory of me.
25 In the same way, with the cup, after the meal, he said, This cup is the new testament in my blood: do this, whenever you take it, in memory of me.
26 For whenever you take the bread and the cup you give witness to the Lord's death till he comes.
26 And when they were taking food, Jesus took bread and, after blessing it, he gave the broken bread to the disciples and said, Take it; this is my body.
27 And he took a cup and, having given praise, he gave it to them, saying,
28 Take of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the testament, which is given for men for the forgiveness of sins.
29 But I say to you that from now I will not take of this fruit of the vine, till that day when I take it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
30 And after a song of praise to God, they went out to the Mountain of Olives.
26 For whenever you take the bread and the cup you give witness to the Lord's death till he comes.
26 And when they were taking food, Jesus took bread and, after blessing it, he gave the broken bread to the disciples and said, Take it; this is my body.
27 And he took a cup and, having given praise, he gave it to them, saying,
28 Take of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the testament, which is given for men for the forgiveness of sins.
29 But I say to you that from now I will not take of this fruit of the vine, till that day when I take it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
5 For, if we have been made like him in his death, we will, in the same way, be like him in his coming to life again;
6 Being conscious that our old man was put to death on the cross with him, so that the body of sin might be put away, and we might no longer be servants to sin.
7 Because he who is dead is free from sin.
8 But if we are dead with Christ, we have faith that we will be living with him;
9 Having knowledge that because Christ has come back from the dead, he will never again go down to the dead; death has no more power over him.
10 For his death was a death to sin, but his life now is a life which he is living to God.
51 I am the living bread which has come from heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he will have life for ever: and more than this, the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.
20 But now, when you come together, it is not possible to take the holy meal of the Lord:
21 For when you take your food, everyone takes his meal before the other; and one has not enough food, and another is the worse for drink.
22 What? have you not houses to take your meals in? or have you no respect for the church of God, putting the poor to shame? What am I to say to you? am I to give you praise? certainly not.
15 And for this cause it is through him that a new agreement has come into being, so that after the errors under the first agreement had been taken away by his death, the word of God might have effect for those who were marked out for an eternal heritage.
16 Because where there is a testament, there has to be the death of the man who made it.
17 For a testament has effect after death; for what power has it while the man who made it is living?
23 For it was handed down to me from the Lord, as I gave it to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night when Judas was false to him, took bread,
24 And when it had been broken with an act of praise, he said, This is my body which is for you: do this in memory of me.
25 In the same way, with the cup, after the meal, he said, This cup is the new testament in my blood: do this, whenever you take it, in memory of me.
26 For whenever you take the bread and the cup you give witness to the Lord's death till he comes.
27 If, then, anyone takes the bread or the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit, he will be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord.
28 But let no man take of the bread and the cup without testing himself.
29 For a man puts himself in danger, if he takes part in the holy meal without being conscious that it is the Lord's body.
30 For this cause a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead.
7 And the day of unleavened bread came, when the Passover lamb is put to death.
8 And Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, Go and make the Passover ready for us, so that we may take it.
9 And they said to him, Where are we to get it ready?
10 And he said to them, When you go into the town you will see a man coming to you with a vessel of water; go after him into the house into which he goes.
11 And say to the master of the house, The Master says, Where is the guest-room, where I may take the Passover with my disciples?
12 And he will take you up to a great room with a table and seats: there make ready.
13 And they went, and it was as he had said: and they made the Passover ready.
14 And when the time had come, he took his seat, and the Apostles with him.
21 It is not possible for you, at the same time, to take the cup of the Lord and the cup of evil spirits; you may not take part in the table of the Lord and the table of evil spirits.
53 Then Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you, If you do not take the flesh of the Son of man for food, and if you do not take his blood for drink, you have no life in you.
54 He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink has eternal life: and I will take him up from the dead at the last day.
55 My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.
56 He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink is in me and I in him.
57 As the living Father has sent me, and I have life because of the Father, even so he who takes me for his food will have life because of me.