9 Not giving back evil for evil, or curse for curse, but in place of cursing, blessing; because this is the purpose of God for you that you may have a heritage of blessing.
16 You did not take me for yourselves, but I took you for myself; and I gave you the work of going about and producing fruit which will be for ever; so that whatever request you make to the Father in my name he may give it to you.
1 \64:2\As when fire puts the brushwood in flames, or as when water is boiling from the heat of the fire: to make your name feared by your haters, so that the nations may be shaking before you;
14 I go forward to the mark, even the reward of the high purpose of God in Christ Jesus.
9 God is true, through whom you have been given a part with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
9 Who gave us salvation, marking us out for his purpose, not on account of our works, but in the measure of his purpose and his grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before times eternal,
28 And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
4 There is one body and one Spirit, even as you have been marked out by God in the one hope of his purpose for you;
14 And in this purpose he gave you a part through the good news of which we were the preachers, even that you might have part in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
21 This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
28 And the low things of the world, and the things without honour, did God make selection of, yes, even the things which are not, so that he might make as nothing the things which are:
29 So that no flesh might have glory before God.
38 And Peter said, Let your hearts be changed, every one of you, and have baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will have the Holy Spirit given to you.
24 God, by whom you have been marked out in his purpose, is unchanging and will make it complete.
15 But be holy in every detail of your lives, as he, whose servants you are, is holy;
16 Because it has been said in the Writings, You are to be holy, for I am holy.