17 Any man cursing his father or his mother is to be put to death.
20 Children, do the orders of your fathers and mothers in all things, for this is pleasing to the Lord.
3 And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?
4 For God said, Give honour to your father and mother: and, He who says evil of father or mother will be put to death.
32 Get up from your seats before the white-haired, and give honour to the old, and let the fear of your God be before you: I am the Lord.
1 A wise son is a lover of teaching, but the ears of the haters of authority are shut to sharp words.
8 If anyone has no care for his family and those in his house, he is false to the faith, and is worse than one who has no faith.
26 He who is violent to his father, driving away his mother, is a son causing shame and a bad name.
1 But be certain of this, that in the last days times of trouble will come.
2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, uplifted in pride, given to bitter words, going against the authority of their fathers, never giving praise, having no religion,
3 Without natural love, bitter haters, saying evil of others, violent and uncontrolled, hating all good,
16 Give honour to your father and your mother, as you have been ordered by the Lord your God; so that your life may be long and all may be well for you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
1 Give ear, my sons, to the teaching of a father; give attention so that you may have knowledge:
4 But if any widow has children or children's children, let these see that it is right to take care of their family and their fathers and mothers: for this is pleasing in the eyes of God.
3 Let every man give honour to his mother and to his father and keep my Sabbaths: I am the Lord your God.
3 And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?
4 For God said, Give honour to your father and mother: and, He who says evil of father or mother will be put to death.
5 But you say, If a man says to his father or his mother, That by which you might have had profit from me is given to God;
6 There is no need for him to give honour to his father. And you have made the word of God without effect because of your teaching.
2 Give honour to your father and mother (which is the first rule having a reward),
3 So that all may be well for you, and your life may be long on the earth.
22 Give ear to your father whose child you are, and do not keep honour from your mother when she is old.
20 If anyone puts a curse on his father or his mother, his light will be put out in the blackest night.
17 The eye which makes sport of a father, and sees no value in a mother when she is old will be rooted out by the ravens of the valley, and be food for the young eagles.
12 Give honour to your father and to your mother, so that your life may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
8 My son, give ear to the training of your father, and do not give up the teaching of your mother:
9 For they will be a crown of grace for your head, and chain-ornaments about your neck.
1 Children, do what is ordered by your fathers and mothers in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Give honour to your father and mother (which is the first rule having a reward),
3 So that all may be well for you, and your life may be long on the earth.
4 And, you fathers, do not make your children angry: but give them training in the teaching and fear of the Lord.
8 My son, give ear to the training of your father, and do not give up the teaching of your mother: