11 Now these were more noble than the Jews of Thessalonica, for they gave serious attention to the word, searching in the holy Writings every day, to see if these things were so.
6 Keep these words, which I say to you this day, deep in your hearts;
7 Teaching them to your children with all care, talking of them when you are at rest in your house or walking by the way, when you go to sleep and when you get up.
8 Let them be fixed as a sign on your hand, and marked on your brow;
13 Till I come, give attention to the reading of the holy Writings, to comforting the saints, and to teaching.
130 The opening of your words gives light; it gives good sense to the simple.
3 A blessing be on the reader, and on those who give ear to the prophet's words, and keep the things which he has put in the book: for the time is near.
1 My son, if you will take my words to your heart, storing up my laws in your mind;
2 So that your ear gives attention to wisdom, and your heart is turned to knowledge;
3 Truly, if you are crying out for good sense, and your request is for knowledge;
4 If you are looking for her as for silver, and searching for her as for stored-up wealth;
5 Then the fear of the Lord will be clear to you, and knowledge of God will be yours.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom; out of his mouth come knowledge and reason:
8 Let this book of the law be ever on your lips and in your thoughts day and night, so that you may keep with care everything in it; then a blessing will be on all your way, and you will do well.
105 NUN Your word is a light for my feet, ever shining on my way.
8 And they gave out the words of the book the law of God, clearly, and gave the sense of it, so that their minds were able to take it in.
16 Every holy Writing which comes from God is of profit for teaching, for training, for guiding, for education in righteousness:
17 So that the man of God may be complete, trained and made ready for every good work.
97 MEM O what love I have for your law! I give thought to it all the day.
98 Your teaching has made me wiser than my haters: for it is mine for ever.
99 I have more knowledge than all my teachers, because I give thought to your unchanging word.
24 Jesus said to them, Is not this the reason for your error, that you have no knowledge of the holy Writings or of the power of God?
39 You make search in the holy Writings, in the belief that through them you get eternal life; and it is those Writings which give witness about me.
10 For Ezra had given his mind to learning the law of the Lord and doing it, and to teaching his rules and decisions in Israel.
9 BETH How may a young man make his way clean? by guiding it after your word.
10 I have made search for you with all my heart: O let me not go wandering far from your teaching.
11 I have kept your sayings secretly in my heart, so that I might do no sin against you.
4 Now those things which were put down in writing before our time were for our learning, so that through quiet waiting and through the comfort of the holy Writings we might have hope.