28 Even so it is right for husbands to have love for their wives as for their bodies. He who has love for his wife has love for himself:
29 For no man ever had hate for his flesh; but he gives it food and takes care of it, even as Christ does for the church;
4 Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride;
5 Love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it takes no account of evil;
6 It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true;
7 Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things.
15 And if it seems evil to you to be the servants of the Lord, make the decision this day whose servants you will be: of the gods whose servants your fathers were across the River, or of the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living: but I and my house will be the servants of the Lord.
10 But to the married I give orders, though not I but the Lord, that the wife may not go away from her husband
11 (Or if she goes away from him, let her keep unmarried, or be united to her husband again); and that the husband may not go away from his wife.
26 Be angry without doing wrong; let not the sun go down on your wrath;
27 And do not give way to the Evil One.
6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Then let not that which has been joined by God be parted by man.
4 Let married life be honoured among all of you and not made unclean; for men untrue in married life will be judged by God.
12 As saints of God, then, holy and dearly loved, let your behaviour be marked by pity and mercy, kind feeling, a low opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, and a power of undergoing all things;
13 Being gentle to one another and having forgiveness for one another, if anyone has done wrong to his brother, even as the Lord had forgiveness for you:
18 Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord.
19 Husbands, have love for your wives, and be not bitter against them.
25 Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it;
14 And more than all, have love; the only way in which you may be completely joined together.
15 And let the peace of Christ be ruling in your hearts, as it was the purpose of God for you to be one body; and give praise to God at all times.
3 Doing nothing through envy or through pride, but with low thoughts of self let everyone take others to be better than himself;
4 Not looking everyone to his private good, but keeping in mind the things of others.
15 Let no one give evil for evil; but ever go after what is good, for one another and for all.
29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouth, but only what is good for giving necessary teaching, and for grace to those who give ear.
8 And most of all be warm in your love for one another; because in love there is forgiveness for sins without number:
3 Let the husband give to the wife what is right; and let the wife do the same to the husband.
4 The wife has not power over her body, but the husband; and in the same way the husband has not power over his body, but the wife.
5 Do not keep back from one another what is right, but only for a short time, and by agreement, so that you may give yourselves to prayer, and come together again; so that Satan may not get the better of you through your loss of self-control.
22 Whoever gets a wife gets a good thing, and has the approval of the Lord.
25 And so, putting away false words, let everyone say what is true to his neighbour: for we are parts one of another.
33 But do you, everyone, have love for his wife, even as for himself; and let the wife see that she has respect for her husband.
31 Let all bitter, sharp and angry feeling, and noise, and evil words, be put away from you, with all unkind acts;
32 And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.