14 Let all you do be done in love.
1 Go on loving your brothers in the faith.
2 Take care to keep open house: because in this way some have had angels as their guests, without being conscious of it.
3 Keep in mind those who are in chains, as if you were chained with them, and those who are in trouble, as being yourselves in the body.
8 Be in debt for nothing, but to have love for one another: for he who has love for his neighbour has kept all the law.
11 Because this is the word which was given to you from the first, that we are to have love for one another;
12 And the Lord give you increase of love in fullest measure to one another and to all men, even as our love to you;
16 In this we see what love is, because he gave his life for us; and it is right for us to give our lives for the brothers.
8 And most of all be warm in your love for one another; because in love there is forgiveness for sins without number:
43 You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you:
44 But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
8 But if you keep the greatest law of all, as it is given in the holy Writings, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself, you do well:
7 My loved ones, let us have love for one another: because love is of God, and everyone who has love is a child of God and has knowledge of God.
8 He who has no love has no knowledge of God, because God is love.
2 Let every one of us give pleasure to his neighbour for his good, to make him strong.
12 As saints of God, then, holy and dearly loved, let your behaviour be marked by pity and mercy, kind feeling, a low opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, and a power of undergoing all things;
13 Being gentle to one another and having forgiveness for one another, if anyone has done wrong to his brother, even as the Lord had forgiveness for you:
14 And more than all, have love; the only way in which you may be completely joined together.
15 And let the peace of Christ be ruling in your hearts, as it was the purpose of God for you to be one body; and give praise to God at all times.
12 This is the law I give you: Have love one for another, even as I have love for you.
15 Anyone who has hate for his brother is a taker of life, and you may be certain that no taker of life has eternal life in him.
16 In this we see what love is, because he gave his life for us; and it is right for us to give our lives for the brothers.