7 And having come to Mysia, they made an attempt to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not let them;
11 For I am conscious of my thoughts about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you hope at the end.
1 For this reason, as we are circled by so great a cloud of witnesses, putting off every weight, and the sin into which we come so readily, let us keep on running in the way which is marked out for us,
31 So then, if it is a question of food or drink, or any other thing, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
5 But if any man among you is without wisdom, let him make his request to God, who gives freely to all without an unkind word, and it will be given to him.
5 In Gibeon, Solomon had a vision of the Lord in a dream by night; and God said to him, Say what I am to give you.
6 And Solomon said, Great was your mercy to David my father, as his life before you was true and upright and his heart was true to you; and you have kept for him this greatest mercy, a son to take his place this day.
7 And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in the place of David my father; and I am only a young boy, with no knowledge of how to go out or come in.
8 And your servant has round him the people of your selection, a people so great that they may not be numbered, and no account of them may be given.
9 Give your servant, then, a wise heart for judging your people, able to see what is good and what evil; for who is able to be the judge of this great people?
10 Now these words and Solomon's request were pleasing to the Lord.
11 And God said to him, Because your request is for this thing, and not for long life for yourself or for wealth or for the destruction of your haters, but for wisdom to be a judge of causes;
12 I have done as you said: I have given you a wise and far-seeing heart, so that there has never been your equal in the past, and never will there be any like you in the future.
5 Put all your hope in God, not looking to your reason for support.
6 In all your ways give ear to him, and he will make straight your footsteps.
16 Every holy Writing which comes from God is of profit for teaching, for training, for guiding, for education in righteousness:
14 When there is no helping suggestion the people will have a fall, but with a number of wise guides they will be safe.
1 Now there were at Antioch, in the church there, prophets and teachers, Barnabas, and Symeon who was named Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, a relation of Herod the king, and Saul.
2 And while they were doing the Lord's work, and going without food, the Holy Spirit said, Let Barnabas and Saul be given to me for the special work for which they have been marked out by me.
3 Then, after prayer and going without food they put their hands on them, and sent them away.
33 A thing may be put to the decision of chance, but it comes about through the Lord.
14 And we are certain that if we make any request to him which is right in his eyes, he will give ear to us:
17 So that the man of God may be complete, trained and made ready for every good work.
6 In all your ways give ear to him, and he will make straight your footsteps.
1 He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense.
2 A foolish man has no pleasure in good sense, but only to let what is in his heart come to light.
3 When the evil-doer comes, a low opinion comes with him, and with the loss of honour comes shame.
4 The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters: the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing stream.
5 To have respect for the person of the evil-doer is not good, or to give a wrong decision against the upright.
6 A foolish man's lips are a cause of fighting, and his mouth makes him open to blows.
7 The mouth of a foolish man is his destruction, and his lips are a net for his soul.
8 The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, and go down into the inner parts of the stomach.
9 He who does not give his mind to his work is brother to him who makes destruction.
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
11 The property of a man of wealth is his strong town, and it is as a high wall in the thoughts of his heart.
12 Before destruction the heart of man is full of pride, and before honour goes a gentle spirit.
13 To give an answer before hearing is a foolish thing and a cause of shame.
14 The spirit of a man will be his support when he is ill; but how may a broken spirit be lifted up?
9 If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil.
9 And his wife said to him, Are you still keeping your righteousness? Say a curse against God, and put an end to yourself.
10 And he said to her, You are talking like one of the foolish women. If we take the good God sends us, are we not to take the evil when it comes? In all this Job kept his lips from sin.