24 For as in a thunderstorm the bright light is seen from one end of the sky to the other, so will the Son of man be when his time comes.
13 I saw in visions of the night, and there was coming with the clouds of heaven one like a man, and he came to the one who was very old, and they took him near before him.
14 And to him was given authority and glory and a kingdom; and all peoples, nations, and languages were his servants: his authority is an eternal authority which will not come to an end, and his kingdom is one which will not come to destruction.
37 And he made answer and said, He who puts the good seed in the earth is the Son of man;
56 And he said, Now I see heaven open, and the Son of man at the right hand of God.
22 And while they were going about in Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of man will be given up into the hands of men;
31 For he was giving his disciples teaching, and saying to them, The Son of man is given up into the hands of men, and they will put him to death; and when he is dead, after three days he will come back from the dead.
6 But a certain writer has given his witness, saying, What is man, that you keep him in mind? what is the son of man, that you take him into account?
13 And in the middle of them one like a son of man, clothed with a robe down to his feet, and with a band of gold round his breasts.
40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the great fish, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
31 But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then will he be seated in his glory:
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24 But so that you may see that on earth the Son of man has authority for the forgiveness of sins, (he said to the man who was ill,) I say to you, Get up, and take up your bed, and go into your house.
14 And I saw a white cloud, and on the cloud I saw one seated, like a son of man, having on his head a crown of gold, and in his hand a sharp curved blade.
45 For truly the Son of man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men.
28 So Jesus said, When the Son of man has been lifted up by you, then it will be clear to you who I am, and that I do nothing of myself, but say as the Father gave me teaching.
44 Be ready then; for at a time which you have no thought of the Son of man will come.
58 And Jesus said to him, Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have resting-places, but the Son of man has nowhere to put his head.
51 In answer Jesus said to him, You have faith because I said to you, I saw you under the fig-tree. You will see greater things than these.