17 The Lord your God is among you, as a strong saviour: he will be glad over you with joy, he will make his love new again, he will make a song of joy over you as in the time of a holy feast.
1 To the chief music-maker. Maschil. Of the sons of Korah.
2 \42:1\Like the desire of the roe for the water-streams, so is my soul's desire for you, O God.
3 Let your cry come to me, and I will give you an answer, and let you see great things and secret things of which you had no knowledge.
8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Make your hands clean, you evil-doers; put away deceit from your hearts, you false in mind.
1 Ho! everyone in need, come to the waters, and he who has no strength, let him get food: come, get bread without money; wine and milk without price.
2 Why do you give your money for what is not bread, and the fruit of your work for what will not give you pleasure? Give ear to me, so that your food may be good, and you may have the best in full measure.
3 Give ear, and come to me, take note with care, so that your souls may have life: and I will make an eternal agreement with you, even the certain mercies of David.
4 See, I have given him as a witness to the peoples, a ruler and a guide to the nations.
5 See, you will send for a nation of which you had no knowledge, and those who had no knowledge of you will come running to you, because of the Lord your God, and because of the Holy One of Israel, for he has given you glory.
6 Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:
1 A Psalm. Of David. When he was in the waste land of Judah.
2 \63:1\O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a dry and burning land where no water is;
3 \63:2\To see your power and your glory, as I have seen you in the holy place.
4 \63:3\Because your mercy is better than life, my lips will give you praise.
5 \63:4\So will I go on blessing you all my life, lifting up my hands in your name.
6 \63:5\My soul will be comforted, as with good food; and my mouth will give you praise with songs of joy;
7 \63:6\When the memory of you comes to me on my bed, and when I give thought to you in the night-time.
8 \63:7\Because you have been my help, I will have joy in the shade of your wings.
9 \63:8\My soul keeps ever near you: your right hand is my support.
10 \63:9\But those whose desire is my soul's destruction will go down to the lower parts of the earth.
11 \63:10\They will be cut off by the sword; they will be food for foxes.
22 And the glory which you have given to me I have given to them, so that they may be one even as we are one;
23 I in them, and you in me, so that they may be made completely one, and so that it may become clear to all men that you have sent me and that they are loved by you as I am loved by you.
11 For I am conscious of my thoughts about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you hope at the end.
9 If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil.