19 God is not a man, to say what is false; or the son of man, that his purpose may be changed: what he has said, will he not do? and will he not give effect to the words of his mouth?
1 But the Spirit says clearly that in later times some will be turned away from the faith, giving their minds to spirits of deceit, and the teachings of evil spirits,
2 Through the false ways of men whose words are untrue, whose hearts are burned as with a heated iron;
3 Who keep men from being married and from taking food which God made to be taken with praise by those who have faith and true knowledge.
16 Do not give false witness against your neighbour.
9 Do not make false statements to one another; because you have put away the old man with all his doings,
10 And have put on the new man, which has become new in knowledge after the image of his maker;
22 False lips are hated by the Lord, but those whose acts are true are his delight.
16 Six things are hated by the Lord; seven things are disgusting to him:
17 Eyes of pride, a false tongue, hands which take life without cause;
18 A heart full of evil designs, feet which are quick in running after sin;
19 A false witness, breathing out untrue words, and one who lets loose violent acts among brothers.
44 You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.
7 The worker of deceit will not come into my house; the false man will have no place before my eyes.
11 Do not take anyone's property or be false in act or word to another.
6 He who gets stores of wealth by a false tongue, is going after what is only breath, and searching for death.
1 To the chief music-maker. Of David. A Psalm. God of my praise, let my prayer be answered;
2 For the mouth of the sinner is open against me in deceit: his tongue has said false things against me.
13 The rest of Israel will do no evil and say no false words; the tongue of deceit will not be seen in their mouth: for they will take their food and their rest, and no one will be a cause of fear to them.
5 A true witness does not say what is false, but a false witness is breathing out deceit.
25 And so, putting away false words, let everyone say what is true to his neighbour: for we are parts one of another.
14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true.
7 Fair words are not to be looked for from a foolish man, much less are false lips in a ruler.
15 Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.