21 And at your back, when you are turning to the right hand or to the left, a voice will be sounding in your ears, saying, This is the way in which you are to go.
1 From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.
16 Every holy Writing which comes from God is of profit for teaching, for training, for guiding, for education in righteousness:
17 So that the man of God may be complete, trained and made ready for every good work.
4 \3:3\But your strength, O Lord, is round me, you are my glory and the lifter up of my head.
14 And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.
28 But he said, More happy are they who give hearing to the word of God and keep it.
27 My sheep give ear to my voice, and I have knowledge of them, and they come after me:
24 Everyone, then, to whom my words come and who does them, will be like a wise man who made his house on a rock;
25 And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock.
45 The writings of the prophets say, And they will all have teaching from God. Everyone whose ears have been open to the teaching of the Father comes to me.
24 Truly I say to you, The man whose ears are open to my word and who has faith in him who sent me, has eternal life; he will not be judged, but has come from death into life.
25 Truly I say to you, The time is coming, it has even now come, when the voice of the Son of God will come to the ears of the dead, and those hearing it will have life.
24 And said, The Lord has let us see his glory and his power, and his voice has come to us out of the fire: today we have seen that a man may go on living even after hearing the voice of God.
20 Being conscious in the first place that no man by himself may give a special sense to the words of the prophets.
21 For these words did not ever come through the impulse of men: but the prophets had them from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.
17 So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
3 The voice of the Lord is on the waters: the God of glory is thundering, the Lord is on the great waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is full of power; the voice of the Lord has a noble sound.
5 By the voice of the Lord are the cedar-trees broken, even the cedars of Lebanon are broken by the Lord.
47 He who is a child of God gives ear to the words of God: your ears are not open to them because you are not from God.
3 Let your cry come to me, and I will give you an answer, and let you see great things and secret things of which you had no knowledge.