15 \31:14\But I had faith in you, O Lord; I said, You are my God.
44 But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
4 Yes, though I go through the valley of deep shade, I will have no fear of evil; for you are with me, your rod and your support are my comfort.
10 So I take pleasure in being feeble, in unkind words, in needs, in cruel attacks, in troubles, on account of Christ: for when I am feeble, then am I strong.
8 Be serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food;
18 If you are hated by the world, keep in mind that I was hated by the world before you.
12 Yes, and all whose purpose is to be living in the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus, will be cruelly attacked.
35 Who will come between us and the love of Christ? Will trouble, or pain, or cruel acts, or the need of food or of clothing, or danger, or the sword?
22 Happy are you, when men have hate for you, and put you away from among them and say angry words to you, turning away in disgust at your name, because of the Son of man.
7 And when I went down on the earth, a voice came to my ears saying to me, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?
14 Give blessing and not curses to those who are cruel to you.
10 Happy are those who are attacked on account of righteousness: for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs.
29 Jesus said, Truly I say to you, There is no man who has given up house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or land, because of me and the good news,
30 Who will not get a hundred times as much now in this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land--though with great troubles; and, in the world to come, eternal life.
11 Happy are you when men give you a bad name, and are cruel to you, and say all evil things against you falsely, because of me.