17 A horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.
18 See, the eye of the Lord is on those in whose hearts is the fear of him, on those whose hope is in his mercy;
19 To keep their souls from death; and to keep them living in time of need.
17 And you will be hated by all men, because of me.
18 But not a hair of your head will come to destruction.
19 By going through all these things, you will keep your lives.
3 But the Lord is true, who will give you strength and keep you safe from evil.
22 And he gives us all our requests, because we keep his laws and do the things which are pleasing in his eyes.
31 The horse is made ready for the day of war, but power to overcome is from the Lord.
6 Righteousness keeps safe him whose way is without error, but evil-doers are overturned by sin.
18 So keep my rules and my decisions and do them, and you will be safe in your land.
11 \84:10\For a day in your house is better than a thousand. It is better to be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to be living in the tents of sin.
10 \34:9\Keep yourselves in the fear of the Lord, all you his saints; for those who do so will have no need of anything.
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
10 You who are lovers of the Lord, be haters of evil; he keeps the souls of his saints; he takes them out of the hand of sinners.
7 Make a request, and it will be answered; what you are searching for you will get; give the sign, and the door will be open to you:
8 Because to everyone who makes a request, it will be given; and he who is searching will get his desire, and to him who gives the sign, the door will be open.
11 Take up God's instruments of war, so that you may be able to keep your position against all the deceits of the Evil One.
11 \5:10\Send them to destruction, O Lord; let their evil designs be the cause of their fall; let them be forced out by all their sins; because they have gone against your authority.
12 \5:11\But let all those who put their faith in you be glad with cries of joy at all times, and let all the lovers of your name be glad in you.
11 \63:10\They will be cut off by the sword; they will be food for foxes.
27 The God of your fathers is your safe resting-place, and under you are his eternal arms: driving out the forces of your haters from before you, he said, Let destruction overtake them.
7 \21:6\For you have made him a blessing for ever: you have given him joy in the light of your face.
8 \21:7\For the king has faith in the Lord, and through the mercy of the Most High he will not be moved.
9 \21:8\Your hand will make a search for all your haters; your right hand will be hard on all those who are against you.
25 The upright man has food to the full measure of his desire, but there will be no food for the stomach of evil-doers.
22 \34:21\Evil will put an end to the sinner, and those who are haters of righteousness will come to destruction.
11 Take up God's instruments of war, so that you may be able to keep your position against all the deceits of the Evil One.
12 For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens.
5 Like birds with outstretched wings, so will the Lord of armies be a cover to Jerusalem; he will be a cover and salvation for it, going over it he will keep it from danger.
7 The Lord is good, a strong place in the day of trouble; and he has knowledge of those who take him for their safe cover.
12 And of Benjamin he said, Benjamin is the loved one of the Lord, he will be kept safe at all times; he will be covered by the Most High, resting between his arms.
3 Have faith in the Lord, and do good; be at rest in the land, and go after righteousness.
26 And I will give the rain at the right time, and I will make the shower come down at the right time; there will be showers of blessing.
33 But let your first care be for his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these other things will be given to you in addition.
14 And we are certain that if we make any request to him which is right in his eyes, he will give ear to us:
15 And if we are certain that he gives ear to all our requests, we are equally certain that we will get our requests.
6 The Lord is on my side; I will have no fear: what is man able to do to me?
1 To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David.
2 \20:1\May the Lord give ear to you in the day of trouble; may you be placed on high by the name of the God of Jacob;
6 The Lord keeps the simple; I was made low, and he was my saviour.
7 Come back to your rest, O my soul; for the Lord has given you your reward.
8 You have taken my soul from the power of death, keeping my eyes from weeping, and my feet from falling.
9 I will go before the Lord in the land of the living.
9 He whose ways are upright will go safely, but he whose ways are twisted will be made low.
1 Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High;
2 Who says of the Lord, He is my safe place and my tower of strength: he is my God, in whom is my hope.
26 For him in whose heart is the fear of the Lord there is strong hope: and his children will have a safe place.
20 Our souls are waiting for the Lord; he is our help and our salvation.
16 \59:15\Let them go wandering up and down in search of food, and be there all night if they have not enough.
25 For I have given new strength to the tired soul and to every sorrowing soul in full measure.
4 Even when you are old I will be the same, and when you are grey-haired I will take care of you: I will still be responsible for what I made; yes, I will take you and keep you safe.
17 There I will make the horn of David fertile: I have made ready a light for my king.
18 His haters will be clothed with shame; but I will make his crown shining.
8 The Lord will make all things complete for me: O Lord, your mercy is eternal; do not give up the works of your hands.
19 If you will give ear to my word and do it, the good things of the land will be yours;
20 But if your hearts are turned against me, I will send destruction on you by the sword; so the Lord has said.
2 \62:1\My soul, put all your faith in God; for from him comes my salvation.
3 \3:2\Unnumbered are those who say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. (Selah.)
9 \9:8\And he will be the judge of the world in righteousness, giving true decisions for the peoples.
22 \55:21\The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, but they were sharp swords.
8 And I have been with you wherever you went, cutting off before you all those who were against you; and I will make your name like the name of the greatest ones of the earth.
1 A Song of the going up. Of Solomon. If the Lord is not helping the builders, then the building of a house is to no purpose: if the Lord does not keep the town, the watchman keeps his watch for nothing.
1 A Psalm. Of David. Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my fingers the art of fighting:
2 He is my strength, and my Rock; my high tower, and my saviour; my keeper and my hope: he gives me authority over my people.
11 \40:10\Your righteousness has not been folded away in my heart; I have made clear your true word and your salvation; I have not kept secret your mercy or your faith from the great meeting.
7 You will see a thousand falling by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.
15 My prayer is not that you will take them out of the world, but that you will keep them from the Evil One.
18 We are certain that one who is a child of God will do no sin, but the Son of God keeps him so that he is not touched by the Evil One.
8 It is better to have faith in the Lord than to put one's hope in man.
16 By the opening of your hand, every living thing has its desire in full measure.
6 So that we say with a good heart, The Lord is my helper; I will have no fear: what is man able to do to me?
11 And now I will be no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I come to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name which you have given to me, so that they may be one even as we are one.
12 While I was with them I kept them safe in your name which you have given to me: I took care of them and not one of them has come to destruction, but only the son of destruction, so that the Writings might come true.
1 Michtam. Of David. Keep me safe, O God: for in you I have put my faith.
1 Michtam. Of David. Keep me safe, O God: for in you I have put my faith.
10 It is God who gives salvation to kings; and who kept his servant David from the wounding sword.
14 The Lord will make war for you, you have only to keep quiet.
23 And keep watch over your heart with all care; so you will have life.
8 Will a man keep back from God what is right? But you have kept back what is mine. But you say, What have we kept back from you? Tenths and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse; for you have kept back from me what is mine, even all this nation.
10 Let your tenths come into the store-house so that there may be food in my house, and put me to the test by doing so, says the Lord of armies, and see if I do not make the windows of heaven open and send down such a blessing on you that there is no room for it.
1 Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; who is then a cause of fear to me? the Lord is the strength of my life; who is a danger to me?
6 For the Lord gives wisdom; out of his mouth come knowledge and reason:
7 He has salvation stored up for the upright, he is a breastplate to those in whom there is no evil;
8 He keeps watch on the ways which are right, and takes care of those who have the fear of him.
1 To the chief music-maker. Of the sons of Korah; put to Alamoth. A Song.
1 To the chief music-maker. Of the sons of Korah; put to Alamoth. A Song.
30 \18:29\By your help I have made a way through the wall which was shutting me in; by the help of my God I have gone over a wall.
4 \68:3\But let the upright be glad; let them have delight before God; let them be full of joy.
5 \68:4\Make songs to God, make songs of praise to his name; make a way for him who comes through the waste lands; his name is Jah; be glad before him.
1 A Song of the going up. My eyes are lifted up to the hills: O where will my help come from?
2 Your help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
3 May he not let your foot be moved: no need of sleep has he who keeps you.
4 See, the eyes of Israel's keeper will not be shut in sleep.
5 The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6 You will not be touched by the sun in the day, or by the moon at night.
7 The Lord will keep you safe from all evil; he will take care of your soul.
8 The Lord will keep watch over your going out and your coming in, from this time and for ever.
17 No instrument of war which is formed against you will be of any use; and every tongue which says evil against you will be judged false. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness comes from me, says the Lord.
8 I have put the Lord before me at all times; because he is at my right hand, I will not be moved.
8 I have put the Lord before me at all times; because he is at my right hand, I will not be moved.
29 So may it be your pleasure to give your blessing to the family of your servant, so that it may go on for ever before you: (for you, O Lord God, have said it,) and may your blessing be on your servant's family line for ever!
17 Take pleasure in well-doing; let your ways be upright, keep down the cruel, give a right decision for the child who has no father, see to the cause of the widow.
32 For who is God but the Lord? and who is a Rock but our God?
4 You will be covered by his feathers; under his wings you will be safe: his good faith will be your salvation.
8 So be not like them; because your Father has knowledge of your needs even before you make your requests to him.
10 For the love of money is a root of all evil: and some whose hearts were fixed on it have been turned away from the faith, and been wounded with unnumbered sorrows.
19 \68:18\You have gone up on high, taking your prisoners with you; you have taken offerings from men; the Lord God has taken his place on the seat of his power.
3 The man whose heart is unmoved you will keep in peace, because his hope is in you.
6 And David put armed forces in Aram of Damascus: and the Aramaeans became servants to David and gave him offerings. And the Lord made David overcome wherever he went.
35 \18:34\He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.
36 \18:35\You have given me the breastplate of your salvation: your right hand has been my support, and your mercy has made me great.
19 And my God will give you all you have need of from the wealth of his glory in Christ Jesus.
6 My cry has gone up to you, for you will give me an answer, O God: let your ear be turned to me, and give attention to my words.
7 Make clear the wonder of your mercy, O saviour of those who put their faith in your right hand, from those who come out against them.
8 Keep me as the light of your eyes, covering me with the shade of your wings,
9 From the evil-doers who are violent to me, and from those who are round me, desiring my death.
7 Who gives their rights to those who are crushed down; and gives food to those who are in need of it: the Lord makes the prisoners free;
8 The Lord makes open the eyes of the blind; the Lord is the lifter up of those who are bent down; the Lord is a lover of the upright;
9 The Lord takes care of those who are in a strange land; he gives help to the widow and to the child who has no father; but he sends destruction on the way of sinners.
20 O keep my soul, and take me out of danger: let me not be shamed, for I have put my faith in you.
21 For my clean and upright ways keep me safe, because my hope is in you.
114 You are my secret place and my breastplate against danger; my hope is in your word.
12 The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble.
35 And he said to them, When I sent you out without money or bag or shoes, were you in need of anything? And they said, Nothing.
14 Even so did the Lord give orders that the preachers of the good news might get their living from the good news.
7 \34:6\This poor man's cry came before the Lord, and he gave him salvation from all his troubles.
7 You are my safe and secret place; you will keep me from trouble; you will put songs of salvation on the lips of those who are round me. (Selah.)
6 So then, let us not take our rest as the others do, but let us be self-controlled and awake.
29 Are not sparrows two a farthing? and not one of them comes to an end without your Father:
30 But the hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Then have no fear; you are of more value than a flock of sparrows.
9 Because you have said, I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place;
10 No evil will come on you, and no disease will come near your tent.
7 For this cause be ruled by God; but make war on the Evil One and he will be put to flight before you.
31 What may we say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
6 Be strong and take heart, and have no fear of them: for it is the Lord your God who is going with you; he will not take away his help from you.
26 For the Lord will be your hope, and will keep your foot from being taken in the net.
5 Every word of God is tested: he is a breastplate to those who put their faith in him.
5 Every word of God is tested: he is a breastplate to those who put their faith in him.
1 A Psalm. Of David. When he went in flight from Absalom his son.
2 \3:1\Lord, how greatly are they increased who make attacks on me! in great numbers they come against me.
3 \3:2\Unnumbered are those who say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. (Selah.)
4 \3:3\But your strength, O Lord, is round me, you are my glory and the lifter up of my head.
5 \3:4\I send up a cry to the Lord with my voice, and he gives me an answer from his holy hill. (Selah.)
6 \3:5\I took my rest in sleep, and then again I was awake; for the Lord was my support.
8 \4:7\Lord, you have put joy in my heart, more than they have when their grain and their wine are increased.
8 \4:7\Lord, you have put joy in my heart, more than they have when their grain and their wine are increased.
25 I have been young, and now am old, but I have not seen the good man without help, or his children looking for bread.
1 A Psalm. Of David. The Lord takes care of me as his sheep; I will not be without any good thing.
12 Wisdom keeps a man from danger even as money does; but the value of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to its owner.
13 I am able to do all things through him who gives me strength.
11 And I will make my agreement with you; never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters; never again will the waters come over all the earth for its destruction.
7 Certainly the Lord will do nothing without making clear his secret to his servants, the prophets.
11 If you, then, being evil, are able to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who make requests to him?
22 And all things, whatever you make request for in prayer, having faith, you will get.
10 \81:9\There is to be no strange god among you; you are not to give worship to any other god.