13 Go in by the narrow door; for wide is the door and open is the way which goes to destruction, and great numbers go in by it.
14 For narrow is the door and hard the road to life, and only a small number make discovery of it.
9 Have you not knowledge that evil-doers will have no part in the kingdom of God? Have no false ideas about this: no one who goes after the desires of the flesh, or gives worship to images, or is untrue when married, or is less than a man, or makes a wrong use of men,
10 Or is a thief, or the worse for drink, or makes use of strong language, or takes by force what is not his, will have any part in the kingdom of God.
3 Jesus said to him, Truly, I say to you, Without a new birth no man is able to see the kingdom of God.
22 For as in Adam death comes to all, so in Christ will all come back to life.
36 He who has faith in the Son has eternal life; but he who has not faith in the Son will not see life; God's wrath is resting on him.
47 For so the Lord has given us orders, saying, I have given you for a light to the Gentiles so that you may be for salvation to the ends of the earth.
10 For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.
6 Jesus said to him, I am the true and living way: no one comes to the Father but by me.
28 So Christ, having at his first coming taken on himself the sins of men, will be seen a second time, without sin, by those who are waiting for him, for their salvation.
11 For the grace of God has come, giving salvation to all men,
12 Training us so that, turning away from evil and the desires of this world, we may be living wisely and uprightly in the knowledge of God in this present life;
10 For if, when we were haters of God, the death of his Son made us at peace with him, much more, now that we are his friends, will we have salvation through his life;
22 And by the law almost all things are made clean with blood, and without blood there is no forgiveness.
9 Who gave us salvation, marking us out for his purpose, not on account of our works, but in the measure of his purpose and his grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before times eternal,
10 For with the heart man has faith to get righteousness, and with the mouth he says that Jesus is Lord to get salvation.
5 Not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but in the measure of his mercy, he gave us salvation, through the washing of the new birth and the giving of new life in the Holy Spirit,
28 And I give them eternal life; they will never come to destruction, and no one will ever take them out of my hand.
27 Jesus, looking on them, said, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for all things are possible with God.
8 To whom your love is given, though you have not seen him; and the faith which you have in him, though you do not see him now, gives you joy greater than words and full of glory:
9 For so you have the true end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
16 He who has faith and is given baptism will get salvation; but he who has not faith will be judged.
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.
12 To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:
16 For I have no feeling of shame about the good news, because it is the power of God giving salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first, and then to the Greek.
8 Because by grace you have salvation through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is given by God:
9 Not by works, so that no man may take glory to himself.
9 If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil.
3 And said, Truly, I say to you, If you do not have a change of heart and become like little children, you will not go into the kingdom of heaven.
9 Because, if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation:
10 For with the heart man has faith to get righteousness, and with the mouth he says that Jesus is Lord to get salvation.
20 See, I am waiting at the door and giving the sign; if my voice comes to any man's ears and he makes the door open, I will come in to him, and will take food with him and he with me.
12 And in no other is there salvation: for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, through which we may have salvation.
27 But he said, Things which are not possible with man are possible with God.
31 And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation.
31 And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation.
23 For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God;
52 And Jesus said to him, Go on your way; your faith has made you well. And straight away he was able to see, and went after him in the way.
23 For the reward of sin is death; but what God freely gives is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.
17 So if any man is in Christ, he is in a new world: the old things have come to an end; they have truly become new.
16 For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.
4 Because of your value in my eyes, you have been honoured, and loved by me; so I will give men for you, and peoples for your life.
35 \18:34\He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.
36 \18:35\You have given me the breastplate of your salvation: your right hand has been my support, and your mercy has made me great.
21 And whoever makes his prayer to the Lord will have salvation.
17 For though the fig-tree has no flowers, and there is no fruit on the vine, and work on the olive comes to nothing, and the fields give no food; and the flock is cut off from its resting-place, and there is no herd in the cattle-house:
18 Still, I will be glad in the Lord, my joy will be in the God of my salvation.
1 To the chief music-maker. After Jeduthun. A Psalm. Of David.
7 Now it is hard for anyone to give his life even for an upright man, though it might be that for a good man someone would give his life.
8 But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.