46 Mary said, My heart is praising the Lord.
47 And my spirit is happy because God has saved me.
48 He has remembered his servant even though she is not a great person. From now on all people of all times will say God has blessed me.
49 He who has all power has done a big work for me. His name is holy.
50 He is kind to people of all times who respect him.
51 He has shown how strong he is with his arm. He has taken away people who were proud in their hearts.
52 He has moved big rulers from power, and those that were not great he has made great.
53 He has given hungry people good things to eat, and sent away the rich people with nothing.
54 He has helped his servant Israel.
55 He has remembered to be kind just as he said to our fathers of long ago. He promised to be kind to Abraham and his childrens children for ever.