14 The kingdom of heaven will be like the time a man went to a country far away. He called his servants and put them in charge of his money.
15 He gave five bags of money to one servant. He gave two bags of money to another servant. He gave one bag of money to another servant. He gave to each one what he was able to be in charge of. Then he went away.
16 Right away the servant who had five bags of money began to buy and sell things with it. He made five bags of money more than he had at first.
17 The servant who had two bags of money did the same thing as the one who had five bags. He also made two bags of money more than he had at first.
18 But the man who had only one bag of money dug a hole in the ground. And he hid his masters money in the ground.
19 After a long time, the master of those servants came home. He asked what they had done with his money.
20 The servant who had been given five bags of money brought five bags more to his master. He said, "Sir, you gave me five bags of money. See, I have made five bags more money."
21 His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."
22 The servant who had been given two bags of money came and said to his master, "Sir, you gave me two bags of money. I have made two bags more money."
23 His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."
24 The servant who had been given one bag of money came and said, "Sir, I knew that you were a hard man. You cut grain where you did not plant. You pick fruit where you put nothing in.
25 I was afraid. So I went and hid your money in the ground. Here is your money."
26 His master answered him, "You are a bad and lazy servant. You knew that I cut grain where I did not plant. You knew that I pick fruit where I put nothing in.
27 You should have put my money in the bank. Then when I came home, I would have had my money with interest on it.
28 So take the money away from him. Give it to the one who has ten bags.
29 Anyone who has some will get more, and he will have plenty. But he who does not get anything, even the little that he has will be taken away from him.
30 Take this good-for-nothing servant! Put him out in the dark place outside. People there will cry and make a noise with their teeth."