4 I am always thanking God for the blessings he has given you through Jesus Christ.
32 He did not keep his own Son, but gave him up for us all. Because he has given him to us, will he not also give us all other things?
6 Then God will give you peace, a peace which is too wonderful to understand. That peace will keep your hearts and minds safe as you trust in Christ Jesus.
20 Always thank God the Father for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Always take time to talk to God. Put your mind on what you are saying. And thank God for what he has done.
3 We are always very glad for this everywhere we go.
16 He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father who is very great and wonderful. I ask him to give you a mind that is wise and will understand about him.
57 So, my dear brothers, stand strong. Do not be moved from what you believe. Work hard for the Lord. You know that your work for the Lord will not be for nothing.
3 My brothers, we thank God for you always. It is the right thing to do. You trust him more and more. You all love each other more and more.
14 When Jesus saw them, he said to them, Go and let the priests look at you. While they were going, they were healed of the leprosy.
15 One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back. He praised God with a loud voice.
16 He bowed down in front of Jesus and thanked him. He was a man from the country of Samaria.
17 Then Jesus asked, Were not ten people healed? Where are the other nine?
18 Is this stranger the only one who has come back to praise God?
19 Then he said to the man, Get up and go on your way. You were healed because you believed.
8 People in all the world have heard that you believe. I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you.
36 All things come from God, through God, and return to God. Praise him for ever! Yes, it is so!
18 But test everything that is said. Keep what is good.
15 Thank God for his gift so great that no words can ever tell it all!
15 Hold on to the peace of God which is in your hearts. You were called to have peace because you are all like one body. Be thankful.
16 Let your hearts be filled with the word of Christ. Be very wise when you teach people and help them to understand what is right and wrong. Sing with music. Sing praises and Christian songs. Sing to the Lord with praise in your hearts.
17 Whatever you say, or whatever you do, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.
28 We have a place in heaven that cannot be shaken. So let us be glad and worship God and please him. Let us respect and fear him.
21 Even though they knew he was God, they did not worship him as God. They did not thank him. Their thoughts were no good. Their foolish minds became dark.
15 Hold on to the peace of God which is in your hearts. You were called to have peace because you are all like one body. Be thankful.
3 I worship God with a clean heart, as my fathers did. And I thank God when I talk to him about you. I always do this night and day.
12 When he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy came to him. They stood far away.
13 And they called out, Jesus, Master, help us!
14 When Jesus saw them, he said to them, Go and let the priests look at you. While they were going, they were healed of the leprosy.
15 One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back. He praised God with a loud voice.
16 He bowed down in front of Jesus and thanked him. He was a man from the country of Samaria.
17 Then Jesus asked, Were not ten people healed? Where are the other nine?
18 Is this stranger the only one who has come back to praise God?
19 Then he said to the man, Get up and go on your way. You were healed because you believed.
16 Let your hearts be filled with the word of Christ. Be very wise when you teach people and help them to understand what is right and wrong. Sing with music. Sing praises and Christian songs. Sing to the Lord with praise in your hearts.
17 Whatever you say, or whatever you do, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.
11 You will become rich in every way. And then you will have enough to give plenty to all people. And many people will thank God for your gifts which we will bring them.