1 We who are strong must help those who are not strong. We must not do what pleases us.
12 I am telling you to love each other as I have loved you.
35 I was hungry. You gave me food. I was thirsty. You gave me a drink. I was a stranger. You took me in.
36 I needed clothes. You gave me clothes. I was sick. You came to visit me. I was in prison. You came to see me."
37 Then the good people will ask him, "Lord when did we see you hungry and give you food? When did we see you thirsty and give you a drink?
38 When did we see you a stranger and take you in? When did we see you needing clothes and give you clothes?
39 When did we see you sick or in prison and come to see you?"
40 The King will answer them, "I tell you the truth. What you did for even the smallest of these people you did for me. They are my brothers."
13 The strongest love anyone can have is this. He will die to save his friends.
4 Each one of you should not think only about himself, but about other people also.
14 My brothers, perhaps a man says, I believe. What good is that if he does not do anything? Can just believing save him?
15 Perhaps a brother or a sister needs clothes and has no food.
16 Perhaps one of you says to them, God bless you. Be warm. Eat all you want. But what good is that if you do not give them what they need for their bodies?
17 Believing is like that. If it does not do anything it is no good. Belief by itself is dead.
42 When someone asks you for something, give it to him. When someone wants to borrow something from you, let him have it.
28 The person who used to steal must not steal now. But he must do some good work with his own hands. Then he will have something to give to the poor people.
38 Give to people and they will give to you. They will fill your cup, press it down, shake it, and let it run over. That is what they will give to you. How much you give to others is how much God will give to you.
2 Help each other in your troubles. In that way you obey Christs law.
13 Give to Gods people who need it. Be glad to take care of strangers in your house.
17 Perhaps a man has plenty of food and things. He sees that his brother needs some. If he does not want to help his brother, does he love God?
35 I have always shown you that you must work hard, as I have. You must help those who cannot work. By so doing you are remembering the words of the Lord Jesus. He said, "It makes you more happy to give something than to get something."
36 When Paul had said this, he kneeled down and talked to God with them all.
37 They all cried much. They put their arms around his neck and kissed him.
38 They were sad most of all because he had said they would not see him again. And they went with him to the boat.
33 Sell what you have and give it to poor people. Make for yourselves money bags that will not wear out. Keep the things you like in heaven. They will not be lost there. People cannot go in and steal them, and insects cannot spoil them.
34 The place where you keep the things you like is where your heart will be also.
16 So, let your light shine to all people. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father in heaven.
10 The people asked John, What shall we do?
11 John answered them, Any man who has two shirts should give one to a man who has none. Any man who has food should do the same.