10 God has made us. In Jesus Christ God made us so that we can do good things. He planned that we should live that way.
16 The load of trouble we carry now is a little heavy. But this trouble is getting something great and wonderful ready for us which will last for ever.
9 I also want women to wear the right kind of clothes. They should not make a show of themselves, but use good sense. They should not fix up their hair in a fancy way, or wear gold and fine stones, or clothes that cost much money.
10 But women should busy themselves with good works. This is the right thing for women who say they worship God.
3 You should not be fine on the outside only. Some women make their hair nice. They wear gold things. They have fine clothes.
4 But you must be fine in your heart. Have a heart that is gentle and quiet. That will not wear out. And God thinks it is worth very much.
25 So, I tell you this. Do not be troubled about what you will eat or drink to keep alive. Do not be troubled about what you will wear on your body. Life itself is worth more than food, and the body is worth more than clothes.