8 The man who plants the wrong things he wants to do will get death, because of those wrong things. But the person who plants what the Spirit wants him to do will live for ever, because of the Spirit.
18 People who do not quarrel have peace. When there is peace, there is a good life.
7 Do not be fooled about this. God cannot be fooled. A man gets what he plants.
9 We must not get tired of doing good things. If we do not stop doing them, we will get something back when the right time comes.
10 God is the one who gives seed to plant and bread to eat. He will give you enough to give away and will make it become more and more. Of the good things you do he will give you a big harvest.
11 At the time a person is punished, he is not glad. He is sad. But after it is over, there is peace. Then those who are trained by it do what is right.
26 Look at the birds that fly in the air. They do not plant or cut or keep any food. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than birds?