35 He sat down and called the twelve disciples to him. He said, The way to be first is to put yourself last and be a servant to the others.
28 There is no longer any difference between a Jew and one who is not a Jew; between a slave and a free man; between a man and a woman. When you are in the body of Christ Jesus, you are all alike.
29 If you belong to Christ, you are Abrahams children. And if you are Abrahams children, you will receive the blessing that God has promised.
3 Of course we are living in bodies made for this world. But we are not fighting for the things in this world.
26 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it, but God can do anything.
3 Jesus said, I tell you the truth. No person can see Gods kingdom if he is not born again.
13 No one who wants to do something wrong should say, God is trying to make me do this wrong thing. God cannot do anything wrong.
17 I ask him that you may understand these things in your hearts. I ask him that you may know what a great hope you have because God has called you. I ask him that you may know the rich and great blessings God has promised to his people.
21 )It is God who calls you, and he can be trusted. He will surely do what he has said.
22 My brothers, ask God to help us.
18 Have more and more of Gods blessing and kindness. Learn more and more about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is great now, and he will be great for ever! Amen! Yes he will!
33 God is very kind. He is very wise. He knows much. No one can understand why he judges the way he does. No one can find out why he does the things he does.
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