14 And we are sure God will do this. If we ask him for anything that he wants us to have, he will listen to us.
26 Look at the birds that fly in the air. They do not plant or cut or keep any food. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than birds?
23 Jesus said to him, You say, "If you can." Anything can be done for the person who believes.
13 But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.
19 Praise God our Father for ever. Yes, he will do it.
1 My dear brothers, do not trust every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they belong to God. There are many prophets who are not true who have gone out into the world.
6 But when you ask, you must believe that God will do it. You must not doubt and think, Perhaps God will not do it. A person who doubts is like a wave on the sea. The wind drives it this way and that way.
31 So what shall we say about this? If God is on our side, who can be against us?
13 Take what I have taught you as a guide for good teaching. Keep believing in Christ Jesus and loving him.
2 Think about the things that are in heaven, not about things that are on earth.
5 Do not let the love of money control your life. Be satisfied with what you have. God himself has said, I will never be away from you. I will never leave you alone.
14 And we are sure God will do this. If we ask him for anything that he wants us to have, he will listen to us.
16 We know and we believe that God loves us. God is love. And anyone who loves others is in God and God is in him.
6 So we can be strong and say, The Lord will help me. I will not be afraid. What can men do to me?
27 But Jesus said, God can do what men cannot do.
33 I have told you these things so that you may have peace. I give you peace. The world will trouble you much. But be glad. I have power over the world.
4 But you must keep on being strong to take trouble. Then you will be all right in every way. You will not need anything more.
1 So, my son Timothy, be strong. Christ Jesus has blessed you so that you can be strong.
6 God began to do a good work in you. And I am sure that he will keep on doing it until he has finished it. He will keep on until the day Jesus Christ comes again.
7 We do not see these things, but we believe them.
39 I know this. Death, life, angels, rulers, things happening now, things that will happen, high things, low things; nothing else in all the world can come between us and Gods love in Christ Jesus our Lord.