8 And I tell you. If anyone tells people that he knows me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he knows him.
9 But if anyone tells people he does not know me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he does not know that person.
10 Everyone who says anything against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But anyone who says wrong things against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
6 So it was with Abraham. The holy writings say He believed God, and that was why God called him a good man.
7 You see then, the people who believe God are children of Abraham.
8 The holy writings say that he will put people right with himself if they believe him, even those who are not Jews. It was written down before God did it. The holy writings told the good news to Abraham ahead of time. It said, God will make you a blessing to all nations and people.
9 Abraham believed God and was blessed. And so those who believe God are blessed too, along with him.
4 We can say this because we trust in God. And we trust in God because of Christ.
5 We are not good enough to think we can do anything ourselves. But God makes us able to do it.
6 God has made a new start with people. He has given us a new way back to God. It is not a written law. The Spirit gives it to us. The written law brings death, but the Spirit gives life.
10 That is why we work hard and put up with troubles. We trust in the living God who came to save all people. He makes a way for those who believe in him.
1 Jesus said, Do not let anything trouble your heart. You believe in God and you must believe in me also.