19 So, my brothers, we can go into the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.
20 He made a new and living way for us. He opened up Gods way specially for us. It lets us through the big curtain or cloth which hides God from us. This happened when Jesus gave his body as a sacrifice.
21 Also, we have a high priest who has charge of Gods people.
22 So let us come to him with a true heart. Let us come because we believe all these things. Let us come with our hearts washed clean from our wrong ways. Let us come with our bodies washed with clean water.
20 I died when Christ died on a cross. I do not live now, but Christ lives in me. Now while I still live in my body, I live by believing in the Son of God. He loved me and gave himself for me.
19 Do you not know that your body is the house of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? God gave the Holy Spirit to you. Remember, you do not belong to yourself.
20 But you were bought and paid for. So then, bring glory to God with your bodies.
9 At one time you were not Gods people. But now you are Gods people. At one time you did not know Gods kindness. Now you do.
23 Jesus said to him, If a person loves me, he will obey me. My Father also will love him. And we will come to him and will live with him.
19 So then you are no longer strangers or people far away. But you live with Gods people and belong to Gods family.
20 Gods family is like a house and you are part of the building. The apostles and prophets are like the lower walls of the house and you are the building on this foundation. Jesus Christ is the big stone at the corner.
21 He is the one who holds the whole house together, and it becomes a holy house belonging to the Lord.
22 You too are a part of this house. God himself lives in this house by his Spirit.
4 Every house is built by someone, but God is the one who builds all things.
5 Moses did what he was told to do as a servant in all of Gods house. He showed things that God would say later.
6 But Jesus Christ was true as a Son over Gods house. We are Gods house if we keep on believing and telling others what we hope to have.
5 Moses did what he was told to do as a servant in all of Gods house. He showed things that God would say later.
6 But Jesus Christ was true as a Son over Gods house. We are Gods house if we keep on believing and telling others what we hope to have.
16 So the Lord says, Come away from among bad people. Stay away from them. Do not touch what is not clean. And I will receive you.
16 You know that you are Gods house. The spirit of God lives in you.
17 God will punish anyone who spoils his house. His house is holy, and you are the house.