10 God has made us. In Jesus Christ God made us so that we can do good things. He planned that we should live that way.
19 The whole world is waiting for the time when the sons of God will be seen.
4 Every house is built by someone, but God is the one who builds all things.
36 All things come from God, through God, and return to God. Praise him for ever! Yes, it is so!
18 He made us his children because he wanted us. He made us his children by giving us his true word. He made us his children so that we would be the first and best of all he made.
17 But it is God who has done all this. He sent Christ to make peace with us and to bring us back to himself. Now he has given us the work of bringing other people back to God.
13 Then I heard everything in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea, and everything in them say, Blessing, honour, praise, and power belong for ever and ever to the One who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!
28 In him we live, and move, and are alive. Some of your own writers have said, "We have come from him".
20 People cannot see that God has power which lasts for ever. They cannot see that he is really God. But ever since he made the world, he has clearly shown this by the things he made. So they cannot say, I did not know about God.