19 The whole world is waiting for the time when the sons of God will be seen.
12 But there were people who did believe in his name. They did receive him. He gave all those who received him and believed him the right to become children of God.
1 The disciples came to Jesus at that time. They said, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 Jesus called a child to him. He had the child stand in front of them.
3 He said, I tell you the truth. If your hearts do not change and become like hearts of children, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.
4 So anyone who feels himself small like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
31 They replied, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. All the people in your house must do the same.
13 They brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. The disciples tried to stop the people.
14 When Jesus saw what the disciples did, he did not like it. He said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them.
21 My children, have nothing to do with false gods or idols.
4 He must be a good leader for his own family. His children must obey him and respect him.
25 Then Jesus said, Father, you are Lord of heaven and earth. I thank you because you have hidden these things from people who are wise and know many things. But you have shown them to people who are like children.
20 Children, obey your parents in everything. This pleases the Lord.
5 You have forgotten the words spoken to you as sons. My son, when the Lord punishes you, do not think it is a little thing. Do not give up when he tells you that you do wrong.
6 The Lord punishes the person he loves. And he beats every son he takes into his family.
7 Do not give up when you are punished. God is treating you like sons. Is there a son who has never been punished by his father?
8 You are punished like the other children in the family. If you are not, you do not belong to the family as the other children do.
9 And what is more, our fathers on earth punished us and we respected them. We should obey even more the Father of our spirits. If we do, we will live.
2 My dear brothers, we are Gods children now. No one knows yet what we shall be like. But we know that when Jesus comes, we will be like him. We will see him as he really is.
3 Everyone who has this hope about Christ makes his life holy. He makes his life holy and clean, just as Christ is holy.
10 Do not think badly of these little children. I tell you this. They have angels in heaven. And all the time their angels can see the face of my father who is in heaven.
22 Have no part at all in the wrong things that young men like to do. Believe. Have love. Follow what is right. Live at peace. Do these things along with others who have a clean heart and talk to God.
52 Jesus grew and became wiser and taller. He pleased God and also people.
4 Servants, obey your boss. Respect him with all your heart and try to please him as you would Christ.
14 But Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them.
14 But Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them.
26 You are all Gods children because you have believed in Christ Jesus.
27 All of you who have been baptised into Christ have taken Christ as your own.
4 Servants, obey your boss. Respect him with all your heart and try to please him as you would Christ.
2 You and many others heard what I taught. Now you must teach these things to men who can be trusted, men who will be able to teach them to other people also.
11 At the time a person is punished, he is not glad. He is sad. But after it is over, there is peace. Then those who are trained by it do what is right.
4 Nothing can make me more happy than to hear that my children are living in the right way. My dear brother, when you help your Christian brothers in any way, even though you do not know them, you show that you do what you say you believe.
3 He said, I tell you the truth. If your hearts do not change and become like hearts of children, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.
4 So anyone who feels himself small like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me.
1 See how much the Father has loved us! We are called Gods children. It is true, we are Gods children. People in this world did not know him and so they do not know us.
21 Fathers, do not make your children angry. They might stop trying to do right.
8 A man must care for his own people. At least he must care for his family. If he does not care for them, he shows that he does not believe in God. He is worse than one who has never believed.
4 Nothing can make me more happy than to hear that my children are living in the right way. My dear brother, when you help your Christian brothers in any way, even though you do not know them, you show that you do what you say you believe.
36 Jesus took a child and had him stand in front of them. Then he took the child in his arms and said,
37 If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me. If anyone takes in me, he takes in the One who sent me.
1 Children, obey your parents as the Lord wants you to. This is the right thing to do. 2,
2 Respect your father and mother. This is the first law of God with a promise: So that all will be well with you, and that you may live long on earth.
3 Fathers, do not make your children angry. But teach them the things children need to know, and tell them what they must not do. Teach them what Christ would teach them.
15 The Holy Spirit you have received does not make you a slave again so that you are afraid. But the Spirit you have received makes you sons of God.
16 So we say, Father! Father! The Spirit himself also, along with our own spirits, tells us that we are Gods children.
9 God makes happy those who make peace between people. They will be called Gods sons.
14 All who do what Gods Spirit leads them to do are Gods sons.
1 So try to be like God, because you are his own dear children.
12 Children, I am writing to you because God has forgiven the wrong things you have done. Your wrong ways have been forgiven because of what Christ did.
15 After they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said, Yes, Lord. You know that I like you. I am your friend. Jesus said to him, Feed my lambs.