16 Agree with one another. Do not be proud, but be friends with anybody. Do not think you are wiser than you are.
11 I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live when I am rich. No matter how things are, I have learned how to live: when I have plenty of food, or when I am hungry; when I have more things than I need, and when I do not have enough.
34 So do not be troubling yourself about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own trouble. Todays trouble is enough for today.
8 People who do what their bodies want cannot please God.
4 In a body there are many parts, but all the parts do not do the same thing.
5 In the same way, we are many people. But we are one body because we are all joined together in Christ. Each one of us is a part of all the others.
5 I am the fruit tree and you are the branches. I will be in the person who is in me. That person will have a fruitful life. But you can do nothing without me.