10 Do not be proud before the Lord. Then he will lift you up.
19 We love others because God first loved us.
7 Do not be fooled about this. God cannot be fooled. A man gets what he plants.
16 We know and we believe that God loves us. God is love. And anyone who loves others is in God and God is in him.
12 No man has ever seen God. But God lives in us if we love one another. And in loving one another, his love is made perfect.
4 Let everyone know that you think kindly of others before yourselves. The Lord is near.
20 If anyone says, I love God,and he hates his brother, he is telling a lie. If he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
4 Every house is built by someone, but God is the one who builds all things.
13 But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.