23 We must hold on to Gods promise that we have said we believed. And we must never let go. He has promised and he will do it.
20 He has put his Spirit in our hearts. This is the first part of what we are to receive, and it proves that we will receive all God has promised.
21 Let God take my life if what I say is not true. I did not go to Corinth because I did not want to make you sad.
22 We do not rule over what you believe. But we work with you to make you glad. You are strong already by believing as you do.
12 God will bless any man who is strong to take his trouble, when he is being tested. When he has proved he is strong, he will live for ever. That is what the Lord has promised to those who love him.
13 You also believed in Christ when you heard the true message. That message is the good news by which you were saved. You received the Holy Spirit whom God had promised. You were marked as belonging to him.
14 The Holy Spirit is the first part of what we are to receive from God. This proves that we will get all God has promised. Some day we shall have them all. Praise God! He is very great and wonderful. 15,