41 Watch and talk with God, so that you will not do wrong. A persons heart can want to do it, but his body is weak.
3 And then they saw tongues like fire. These were divided and came on each one of the people there.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak the words of God in other languages as the Spirit spoke through them.
18 All of us have no cloth over our faces. People can see that we have some of the bright and wonderful light that the Lord has. And we are becoming brighter and brighter, more and more like him. It is the Lord, the Spirit, who does this.
26 A body is dead if it does not breathe. In the same way, believing is dead if it does not do anything good.
3 He said, God makes happy those who know that they need him. The kingdom of heaven is for them.
16 I ask him to make you very strong in heart by his Spirit. He has great and wonderful blessings and is able to do so because of the fullness of his glory.
17 And I ask that Christ may live in your hearts because you believe in him. I ask that you may live and grow in love.
11 The only one who really knows what a person is thinking is the spirit of the person himself. So also, no one knows what God is thinking, only the Spirit of God.
19 Yes, I will keep on being glad about it. I know that you will talk to God about me, and I know that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will help me. So I know that things will work out for me to be free.
24 The woman said to Jesus, I know that Messiah is coming. His name is Christ. When he comes he will tell us everything.
12 Gods word is living and full of power. It is more sharp than any sword that cuts on both sides. What God says cuts through and divides the mind and spirit. It cuts through and divides the place where the bones are joined, and the part inside the bone. What God says is able to judge the things people think and plan in their hearts.
15 The Holy Spirit you have received does not make you a slave again so that you are afraid. But the Spirit you have received makes you sons of God.
16 So we say, Father! Father! The Spirit himself also, along with our own spirits, tells us that we are Gods children.
17 People want to do wrong things that the Spirit does not want them to do. And the Spirit wants people to do things they do not want to do. The Spirit and the wrong things you want to do are against each other, so that you do not do what you yourself want to do.
10 But if Christ is in you, your bodies are dead because of the wrong things you have done. But your spirits live because you have been made right with God.
22 But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control. There is no law that says, These things are wrong.
23 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have stopped doing the wrong things they want to do. They have stopped them just as if they were killed on a cross. And they have even stopped wanting to do them.
26 Also the Spirit helps us because we are weak. We do not know how we should talk to God. But the Spirit himself talks to God for us, while we cry and cannot say any words.
13 You are wrong and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, the Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.
19 Do you not know that your body is the house of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? God gave the Holy Spirit to you. Remember, you do not belong to yourself.
20 But you were bought and paid for. So then, bring glory to God with your bodies.
7 God has not given us a spirit of fear. But he has given us a spirit of power and love and self-control.
7 God has not given us a spirit of fear. But he has given us a spirit of power and love and self-control.
11 Do not hold back in what you do. Let the Spirit burn in you. Work hard for the Lord.
17 I ask him that you may understand these things in your hearts. I ask him that you may know what a great hope you have because God has called you. I ask him that you may know the rich and great blessings God has promised to his people.
1 My dear brothers, do not trust every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they belong to God. There are many prophets who are not true who have gone out into the world.
17 But the one who joins himself with the Lord becomes one spirit with him.
13 He has given us of his own Spirit. That is how we know that we are in him and he is in us.
16 So I say, let the Spirit tell you what you should do. Then you will not do the wrong things you yourselves want to do.
6 If you keep your mind on the things your bodies want to do, you will die. But if you keep your mind on the things the Spirit wants, you will live and have peace.
23 God is Spirit. Those who worship him must do so in spirit and in a true way.
24 The woman said to Jesus, I know that Messiah is coming. His name is Christ. When he comes he will tell us everything.
16 So we say, Father! Father! The Spirit himself also, along with our own spirits, tells us that we are Gods children.
13 God gives hope. May he make you very happy. May he give you peace because you believe. Then the power of the Holy Spirit will give you much hope.
1 My dear people, since God has promised us these things, we should make ourselves clean. We should clean out everything that makes our lives or our spirits dirty. We should try to be altogether holy because we respect God with fear. place in your hearts. We have not done wrong to anyone. We have not hurt anyone. We have not taken anything from anyone.
15 What then shall I do? I will talk to God with my spirit and I will talk to God with my mind. I will sing with my spirit and I will sing with my mind.
14 All who do what Gods Spirit leads them to do are Gods sons.
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25 We must not be proud of ourselves. We must not make one another angry. We must not want what other people have.
15 The Holy Spirit you have received does not make you a slave again so that you are afraid. But the Spirit you have received makes you sons of God.