26 But the Holy Spirit is the one who will help you. My Father will send him in my name. He will teach you everything that I have said to you. His Helper will remind you of all that I said.
22 We do not rule over what you believe. But we work with you to make you glad. You are strong already by believing as you do.
32 We know these things are true. So does the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.
21 The prophets did not say what they wanted to say. But the Holy Spirit made them speak. And they spoke Gods message.
30 Do nothing that makes the Holy Spirit feel sad. He is the mark God has put on you until the day you will belong to God altogether.
5 Jesus said, I tell you the truth. This new birth is by water and by the Spirit. No person can enter Gods kingdom if he has not been born that way.
3 And then they saw tongues like fire. These were divided and came on each one of the people there.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak the words of God in other languages as the Spirit spoke through them.
26 But the Holy Spirit is the one who will help you. My Father will send him in my name. He will teach you everything that I have said to you. His Helper will remind you of all that I said.
22 But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control. There is no law that says, These things are wrong.
23 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have stopped doing the wrong things they want to do. They have stopped them just as if they were killed on a cross. And they have even stopped wanting to do them.
5 When they heard this, they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 Paul put his hands on them. Then the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues of other lang-uages and spoke words from God.
20 But you, my dear brothers, must make your lives better in the holy things you believe. Talk to God in the Holy Spirit.
21 Keep yourselves in Gods love. Wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to come and help you. He will give you life that will live for ever.
2 Then, suddenly, a sound came from heaven. It was like a very strong wind blowing. It went all through the house where they were sitting.
3 And then they saw tongues like fire. These were divided and came on each one of the people there.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak the words of God in other languages as the Spirit spoke through them.
22 But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control. There is no law that says, These things are wrong.
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are set free.
19 I tell you another thing. If two of you on earth agree together to ask for something, my Father in heaven will do it for them.
20 Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them.
8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. You will speak of me in Jerusalem and all around in Judea and Samaria and everywhere in the world.
31 When they had talked to God, the room they were in shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they spoke the word of God without fear.
7 And the Holy Spirit gives each one a gift so that all people may be helped.
8 The Spirit gives one person wise words to say. The same Spirit gives another person words of good understanding.
9 To another person the same Spirit gives faith, and to another person he gives the power to heal people.
10 To another person the Spirit gives the power to do big works. Another can speak words from God. To another person he gives the power to know the difference between spirits. To another person he gives the gift to speak the words of God in other tongues or languages, and to another the meaning of these different tongues.
11 And the same Spirit gives the power for all these things. He gives each person what he wants to give to them.
26 I will send the true Spirit to comfort you. He will come from my Father. When he comes, then he will talk about me.
30 Do nothing that makes the Holy Spirit feel sad. He is the mark God has put on you until the day you will belong to God altogether.
14 If the blood of animals can do that, then the blood of Christ will clean our hearts much better. Christ gave himself to God as the sacrifice. He did this by the Spirit who lives for ever. He was a perfect sacrifice. He will clean our hearts from useless acts of worship. Then we can serve the living God.
19 When men take you to court, do not be troubled about what you will say. What you are to say will come to your mind at the right time.
20 It is not you who speak. But it is the Spirit of your Father who is speaking through you.
11 When men take you to court, do not be troubled about what you will say. Say whatever comes to your mind at that time. It is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit.
7 Anyway, I am telling you the truth. It is better for you if I go away. If I do not go away, the one who is to help you will not come to you. But if I go away, I will send him to you.
8 When the Helper comes, he will prove this to the people of the world that they are wrong. They are wrong about what they call bad and about what they call good. He will show them how to be right with God. He will show them about Gods judgement.
5 We will not be disappointed by this hope. God has given us the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit has put Gods love in our hearts.
20 While he was thinking about this, he had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him. He said, Joseph, Davids son, do not fear to take Mary to be your wife. Her baby is by the Holy Spirit.
5 Jesus said, I tell you the truth. This new birth is by water and by the Spirit. No person can enter Gods kingdom if he has not been born that way.
6 That which is born of a person is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 You must not be surprised when I say, "You must be born again."
8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. You will speak of me in Jerusalem and all around in Judea and Samaria and everywhere in the world.
38 Stop your wrong ways and turn back to God, answered Peter. And then everyone of you can be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. Your wrong ways will be forgiven you, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.
18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he chose me to tell the good news to poor people. He has sent me to tell the prisoners they can go free, and to tell the blind people they can see. He has sent me to set free those who have been wrongly held down,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he chose me to tell the good news to poor people. He has sent me to tell the prisoners they can go free, and to tell the blind people they can see. He has sent me to set free those who have been wrongly held down,
19 and to tell people that the year when the Lord will help them has come.
2 They were worshipping the Lord and fasting not eating food for a time . The Holy Spirit said, Give me Barnabas and Saul to do the work for which I have called them.
3 Therefore, I want you to understand this. No person who has the Spirit of God ever curses Jesus. And no one can say, Jesus is Lord, if he is not controlled by the Holy Spirit.
16 I will ask my Father. He will give you another one to help you and to be with you always.
1 On the day of Pentecost these people were all in one place.
2 Then, suddenly, a sound came from heaven. It was like a very strong wind blowing. It went all through the house where they were sitting.
3 And then they saw tongues like fire. These were divided and came on each one of the people there.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak the words of God in other languages as the Spirit spoke through them.
5 Crowds of Jews were staying in Jerusalem. They had come from every country in the world. They were good men who believed in God.
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are set free.
13 God gives hope. May he make you very happy. May he give you peace because you believe. Then the power of the Holy Spirit will give you much hope.
13 You are wrong and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, the Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.
31 When they had talked to God, the room they were in shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they spoke the word of God without fear.
16 You know that you are Gods house. The spirit of God lives in you.
19 So go and make disciples in all countries. Baptise them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
20 Teach them to do all the things I have told you to do. I am with you always, even to the end of time.
17 The kingdom of God is not about what a person eats and drinks. But it is about living in a way which is right with God. It is peace. It is joy because a person has the Holy Spirit.
18 Do not get drunk with wine. That is living in a wrong way. But be filled with the Spirit.
11 The only one who really knows what a person is thinking is the spirit of the person himself. So also, no one knows what God is thinking, only the Spirit of God.
21 When all the other people had been baptised, Jesus was also baptised. While he was talking with God, the sky opened.
22 The Holy Spirit came down upon him like a dove. And a voice from the sky said, You are my dear Son. I am very pleased with you.
19 Do you not know that your body is the house of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? God gave the Holy Spirit to you. Remember, you do not belong to yourself.
20 But you were bought and paid for. So then, bring glory to God with your bodies.
16 I will ask my Father. He will give you another one to help you and to be with you always.
17 He will send you the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive the true Spirit because it does not see or know him. You know him because he is with you and will be in you.
18 I will not leave you without someone to help you. And I myself will come back to you.
19 In a short time the world will not see me again, but you will see me again. Because I live, you will live also.
20 At that time you will know that I am in my Father. You are in me, and I am in you.
21 He who knows the things I tell him to do and does them, really loves me. My Father will love him and I also will love him. I will show him who I am.
22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Jesus, Lord, how are you going to make yourself real to us, and not to the rest of the world?
23 Jesus said to him, If a person loves me, he will obey me. My Father also will love him. And we will come to him and will live with him.
24 The person who does not love me does not obey me. The word which you hear is not my word. It is my Fathers word. He is the one who sent me.
25 I have told you these things while I am still with you.
26 But the Holy Spirit is the one who will help you. My Father will send him in my name. He will teach you everything that I have said to you. His Helper will remind you of all that I said.
33 I myself did not know who he was. But he who sent me to baptize people in water told me. He said, "You will see the Spirit coming from the sky on a man. That man will baptize people in the Holy Spirit."
38 Stop your wrong ways and turn back to God, answered Peter. And then everyone of you can be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. Your wrong ways will be forgiven you, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.