27 But God chose things that look foolish to the people of the world. He has used those foolish things to put the wise people to shame. God chose the weak things to put to shame the strong people.
28 And God chose the small things, things that people despise. Yes, he chose even the things which seem to be nothing. He did this to destroy the big things.
29 He did this so that people would not be proud before God.
4 My words and my message were not in wise words to win you. But the power of the Spirit of God proved my words to be true.
32 And as for me, if they lift me up from the earth, I will draw all people to me.
17 Christ did not send me to baptize people, but he sent me to tell the good news. I must not tell it with the clever words of this world. That would not show what the death of Christ on a cross truly means.