26 A body is dead if it does not breathe. In the same way, believing is dead if it does not do anything good.
3 You know this, that when you prove you believe, you become stronger to take troubles.
23 Jesus said to him, You say, "If you can." Anything can be done for the person who believes.
16 I ask him to make you very strong in heart by his Spirit. He has great and wonderful blessings and is able to do so because of the fullness of his glory.
17 And I ask that Christ may live in your hearts because you believe in him. I ask that you may live and grow in love.
2 We must keep our eyes on Jesus. He believed from first to last. What was put in front of him made him glad, so he did not give up when the people nailed him on a cross. He did not care about the shame. And now he is sitting beside God.
11 Sarah also believed God, and she was able to have a baby even though she was too old to have children. But she trusted God to do what he had promised.
13 If we do not believe in him, he still is true, because he cannot say he is not what he is.
4 Everyone who is Gods child wins a victory over the world. We win because we believe God.
35 Jesus said, I am the bread that gives life. Anyone who comes to me will never be hungry. Anyone who believes in me will never be thirsty.
7 I have fought the kind of fight that is good. I have reached the mark on the road that God wanted me to reach. And I have kept on believing in him.
10 A person believes with his heart, and he is made right with God. He speaks with his mouth and so is saved from his wrong ways.
17 The good news shows how God puts a person right. God puts a person right when that person believes in his Son and keeps on believing. The holy writings say, A person who is put right because he believes, will live for ever.
11 But you belong to God, Timothy. Have nothing to do with all this. But do what is right. Do what God wants you to do. Believe in Christ. Be loving. Be patient. Be kind.
36 He who believes in the Son will live for ever. He who does not believe in the Son will not live. God will be very angry with him for ever.
6 If a person does not believe God, he cannot please him. Anyone who comes to God must believe that God is real. And he must believe that God will bless those who try to find him. God will reward a person, if he really tries to find God.
1 If people believe God, then they know they have the things they hope to get. It is the proof of things we do not see.
16 You have been saved. Wear your salvation like you wear something on your head to protect yourself. And take with you the big knife or sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
23 Jesus said to him, You say, "If you can." Anything can be done for the person who believes.
4 Everyone who is Gods child wins a victory over the world. We win because we believe God.
8 You have been saved by Gods love and kindness because you believed. It was not because of anything you did, but it was a gift from God.
9 You were not saved by trying to do what the law says. So no one can be proud about it.
40 Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you believed God you would see that he is great?
6 This makes you very glad, even though now maybe you are sad because you have troubles of many kinds. They are only for a short time.
7 To believe is worth more than to have gold. Gold can spoil, but it is tested by fire to show that it is good. So troubles test you to prove that you believe. Then, because you really believe, you will be praised and made great and have honour when Jesus Christ comes again.
8 You love him even though you have not seen him. You trust him even though you do not see him. And so you are very happy. No words can tell how happy you are. Your joy is very great.
9 God will reward you because you have believed. You will then be fully saved.
20 I died when Christ died on a cross. I do not live now, but Christ lives in me. Now while I still live in my body, I live by believing in the Son of God. He loved me and gave himself for me.
17 So people believe because they hear. They hear because people tell them about Christ.
11 But you belong to God, Timothy. Have nothing to do with all this. But do what is right. Do what God wants you to do. Believe in Christ. Be loving. Be patient. Be kind.
22 When you ask God for anything, believe that you will have it. Then you will have it.
5 I did this so that you would not believe because of mans wise words, but you would believe because of Gods power.
22 Jesus said, Believe in God.
13 Be awake! Stand strong in what you believe. Show that you are men. Be strong.
5 If any of you need to be wise, ask God to make you wise. He gives plenty of wisdom to all people. He is not angry because you ask him. He will make you wise.
6 But when you ask, you must believe that God will do it. You must not doubt and think, Perhaps God will not do it. A person who doubts is like a wave on the sea. The wind drives it this way and that way.
7 That person must not think that he will get anything from the Lord.
8 A person like that has two minds. He cannot go straight in any of his ways.
29 Then Jesus touched their eyes. He said, As you believed, so will it happen to you.
1 If people believe God, then they know they have the things they hope to get. It is the proof of things we do not see.
38 If a person does what is right because he believes in God, he will live. If he turns back, I will not be pleased with him.
13 God gives hope. May he make you very happy. May he give you peace because you believe. Then the power of the Holy Spirit will give you much hope.
20 Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.
3 My brothers, God loves you and we know that he has chosen you.
2 Some men brought a sick man to him. The man could not move his arms or legs. He was lying on a bed. Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, My son, be glad! The wrong things you have done are forgiven.
9 Fight against the devil. Be strong because you believe. Remember that your brothers all over the world suffer the same kind of trouble as you.
52 Jesus said, Go home. Because you believe in me, your faith has made you well. Right then he was able to see. He followed Jesus on the road.
28 Jesus went on from there along the Sea of Galilee. He went up on a hill and sat down there.
5 But no person can work to put himself right with God. It is God alone who makes a bad person right. The one who believes in him-even a bad person is put right.
4 Everyone who is Gods child wins a victory over the world. We win because we believe God.
16 You have been saved. Wear your salvation like you wear something on your head to protect yourself. And take with you the big knife or sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
23 But a man who is not sure that he should eat something, does wrong if he eats it. That is because he does not believe the thing he is doing is right to do. And it is wrong to do what you do not believe is right.
25 Jesus said, I am the one who will raise people up and give them life. The person who believes in me will live, even though he has died.
26 Anyone who is living and who believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
1 We are made good people and put right with God when we believe in Jesus Christ. So now we have peace with God because of what our Lord Jesus Christ did.
37 But God can do anything.
9 God will reward you because you have believed. You will then be fully saved.
24 So I tell you, when you ask God for anything believe that you will get it and you will have it.
7 My brothers, the way you believe has comforted us in all our troubles.
7 We do not see these things, but we believe them.
6 But when you ask, you must believe that God will do it. You must not doubt and think, Perhaps God will not do it. A person who doubts is like a wave on the sea. The wind drives it this way and that way.
17 So people believe because they hear. They hear because people tell them about Christ.
5 But we hope to be made right by believing in Christ. The Spirit helps us to do this.
8 You love him even though you have not seen him. You trust him even though you do not see him. And so you are very happy. No words can tell how happy you are. Your joy is very great.
9 God will reward you because you have believed. You will then be fully saved.
2 If I speak words from God, if I can understand all secrets, and know everything, if I can move mountains by believing, but if I do not love people, I am nothing, even though I can do all of these things.
6 If a person does not believe God, he cannot please him. Anyone who comes to God must believe that God is real. And he must believe that God will bless those who try to find him. God will reward a person, if he really tries to find God.
7 We do not see these things, but we believe them.
26 You are all Gods children because you have believed in Christ Jesus.
27 All of you who have been baptised into Christ have taken Christ as your own.
20 Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.
2 I do this work because then they can hope to have everlasting life. God does not fool people. He promised everlasting life before he made the world.
21 Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. Believe God. Do not doubt him. Then you can do what I did to this fig tree. But that is not all. You can even say to this hill, "Go and jump into the sea" and it will be done.
1 If people believe God, then they know they have the things they hope to get. It is the proof of things we do not see.
1 Be ready to take a person into the church even if he does not know and believe all you believe. Do not judge what he thinks about things.
6 If a person does not believe God, he cannot please him. Anyone who comes to God must believe that God is real. And he must believe that God will bless those who try to find him. God will reward a person, if he really tries to find God.
3 You know this, that when you prove you believe, you become stronger to take troubles.
16 God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.