16 God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.
31 But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And when you believe in his name, then he will give you power to live.
26 You are all Gods children because you have believed in Christ Jesus.
27 All of you who have been baptised into Christ have taken Christ as your own.
9 God makes happy those who make peace between people. They will be called Gods sons.
14 All who do what Gods Spirit leads them to do are Gods sons.
15 The Holy Spirit you have received does not make you a slave again so that you are afraid. But the Spirit you have received makes you sons of God.
15 Jesus said to them, Whom do you say I am?
16 Simon Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 Jesus answered, Simon, Jonahs son, God has blessed you. No person on earth has showed you this. But my Father in heaven has showed you.
16 So we say, Father! Father! The Spirit himself also, along with our own spirits, tells us that we are Gods children.
1 See how much the Father has loved us! We are called Gods children. It is true, we are Gods children. People in this world did not know him and so they do not know us.
7 So then, because of what God has done, you are no longer a slave but you are a son. And because you are a son, you will receive what he promised.
12 But there were people who did believe in his name. They did receive him. He gave all those who received him and believed him the right to become children of God.
13 They were born into Gods family by God. That is, they were not born into his family in the way a person is born into this world. It was not by any persons will.
10 This is how people can know who are Gods children and who are the devils children. Everyone who does not do right is not Gods child. And anyone who does not love his brother is not Gods child.
7 Do not give up when you are punished. God is treating you like sons. Is there a son who has never been punished by his father?
8 You are punished like the other children in the family. If you are not, you do not belong to the family as the other children do.
8 For this is what God promised, About this time next year I will come and Sarah shall have a son.
4 But when the right time came, God sent his Son to make us free. He was born by a woman during the time when men had to obey the law.
5 God sent him to set the people free who were under the law. God sent him so that we would receive our rights as sons of God.