35 The sky and the earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
12 I saw the Lamb opening the sixth lock. The earth shook very much. The sun became very dark, like the black cloth people wear to show they are sad. The full moon became red like blood.
13 The stars in the sky fell to the earth. They fell like figs that are not ripe when the fig tree is shaken by a strong wind.
1 My brothers, you do not need anyone to write to you about the day or the year when these things will happen.
2 You your-selves surely know that the day of the Lord will come just like a person who comes to steal in the night.
3 When people are saying, Everything is quiet and safe, they will be destroyed. It will all happen very quickly. And there will be no way out. It will be like the pain that a woman has when a child is born.
4 But you, my brothers, are not in the dark. That day should not surprise you like a person who comes to steal.
5 You all belong to the light. You belong to the day. We do not belong to the night or to the dark.
36 Watch all the time. Ask God to make you strong to do right so that you will not go through all these things that are going to happen. Ask him to make you able to stand in front of the Son of Man.
7 The sky and the earth that are here now are being kept because God spoke. They are kept to be burned up. This will happen on the day when God judges people and they will die.
10 The day of the Lord will come like a man who wants to steal. There will be a loud noise and the sky will go away. The elements will melt with fire and they will be gone. The earth and everything on it will be burned up.
32 But no one knows the day or the hour when the Son of Man will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son do not know. Only the Father knows.
25 There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And there will be much trouble for the people on earth. They will not know what to do. It will be like the sound of big waves of the sea.
26 Men will be weak with fear. They will be afraid of the things that will be happening to the world. The powers in the sky will be shaken.
4 But you, my brothers, are not in the dark. That day should not surprise you like a person who comes to steal.
5 You all belong to the light. You belong to the day. We do not belong to the night or to the dark.
6 So then, we must not go to sleep like other people. No, we must keep watching and not get drunk.
7 Because we belong to the day, we must not get drunk. But we must be ready like people dressed for war. We must keep believing in God. We must be loving towards each other. Faith and love will be like strong clothes to cover our bodies. The hope of being saved will protect us like a hat or helmet covers our head.
8 God did not choose us so that he might be angry with us. But he chose us so that we might be saved through our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 He died for us so that, if we are alive or dead, we will live with him.
29 Right after that time of trouble, the sun will be dark. The moon will not shine. The stars will fall from the sky. And the powers in the sky will be shaken.
36 But no one knows the day and the hour when the Son of Man will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son do not know. Only the Father knows.
11 That is the way the whole world will go. So think what kind of people you should be! Think how holy and true to God your lives should be!
12 You should look for the day of God and do everything you can to make it come quickly. On that day the sky will be on fire and go away. The elements will burn and melt away.
9 The dragon was thrown down. He was that old snake who is called the devil and Satan. He fools all the people in the world. He was thrown down to earth and his angels were thrown down with him.
1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had gone away. There was no sea any more.
2 I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It was all ready and waiting, like a woman dressed for her wedding and ready to meet her husband.
3 I heard a loud voice in heaven. It said, Look! Gods house is now set up among the people. God will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them.
4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. No one will die. No one will ever cry or be sad for any reason. No one will ever have trouble. The old things are gone.
5 The One who sat on the throne said, Look, I make all things new. And he said, Write this, because these words can be trusted. they are true.