Frutos do Espírito
43 A good tree does not have bad fruit. And also, a bad tree does not have good fruit.
44 Every kind of tree is known by its fruit. People do not pick fruit like figs from thorn trees. And they do not pick grapes from bramble bushes.
45 A good man has stored up good things in his heart, so he says good things. A bad man has stored up wrong things in his heart, so he will say wrong things. The mouth will say what is in the heart.
4 But you must be in me and I will be in you. The branch cannot bear fruit by itself. It must be joined to the tree. And you cannot do any good thing if you are not joined to me.
5 I am the fruit tree and you are the branches. I will be in the person who is in me. That person will have a fruitful life. But you can do nothing without me.
23 And not the world only, but we ourselves also cry out. We have the first blessing God gives of his Spirit. But we cry out in our hearts. We are waiting for God to finish making us his sons. Then our bodies will be set free.
8 If you do much good and become my disciples, you will make my Fathers name great.
22 But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control. There is no law that says, These things are wrong.
23 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have stopped doing the wrong things they want to do. They have stopped them just as if they were killed on a cross. And they have even stopped wanting to do them.
8 Stop your wrong ways to show that you have turned back to God.
4 In the same way my brothers, you died when Christ died. And you are free from the law. Now you belong to another person. You belong to the one who has been raised from death. Because of that, we are able to do what God wants us to do.
5 One time we lived in the way our bodies wanted to live. The law made us think about doing wrong things. And we did things that made us die.
6 But now we have been made free from the law. We died, and so we are no longer slaves to the one who was our master. Now we are slaves to God in our new life. This new life is ruled by the Spirit. We do not work for the old written law.
8 You were in the dark before, but now the Lord has given you light. Live like people who have the light.
9 People who have the light do all that is good and right and true.
10 Learn what pleases the Lord.
17 First of all, when God makes people wise, they are holy. They do not fight. They are gentle. They listen to what other people say. They are very kind and do many good things. They do not quarrel. They do not say what is not true.
18 People who do not quarrel have peace. When there is peace, there is a good life.
21 You are now ashamed of those things. What good did they do you? For the end of those things is death.
22 But now you have been made free from wrong ways and you have been made Gods slaves. You are made good and you will live for ever.